Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ethnography Of Rodeo Food An Essential Component Of Many...
Ethnography of Rodeo Food Food is an essential component of many social events: it brings people from a wide variety of society together, it provides nourishment, and in modern and globally interconnected times in can even be used to share different cultures’ ideas of good food in a relaxed setting. Humans require food to survive, but the different ways that food is prepared and served is highly varied among cultures. Even how these cultures utilize food in larger social settings is widely variable. Sometimes it’s just a small gathering of families sharing food, other times it’s specialized food preparers providing food to a large number of people. Here we’ll look at one of the latter events where food plays a part. One of the larger and†¦show more content†¦One of the more classically ‘rodeo-style’ foods, barbeque, is served in huge quantities at this event, and there are many vendors that offer different styles of preparation. Barbeque is a type of food preparation that every person has their own special formula for doing, and they’re very different among various vendors. One of the vendors that’s been associated with the Houston Rodeo for a considerable length of time is Blue Ribbon Grill. They’ve participated in this event for a number of years, and because of this closeness and ability to bring in lots of customers, they’re allowed to set up their stall in a location that provides access to a large number of people; just outside the NRG Center, which houses a number of attractions, smaller events, and shopping. This location allows for a lot of foot traffic to pass by, and they’re also provided with a large shade tent that’s be en set up, which can be very appealing to people who have been walking around outside for a long portion of the day in the heat. Blue Ribbon Grill serves a variety of ‘classic’ barbecue foods: meat from the chest of a cow that’s been covered in a rub of various spices, smoked, and then sliced into thin pieces - brisket, the lower legs of turkeys that have been salted and cooked over a grill, simply known as turkey legs, and one of their foods that they’ve gained some
Ethnography Of Rodeo Food An Essential Component Of Many...
Ethnography of Rodeo Food Food is an essential component of many social events: it brings people from a wide variety of society together, it provides nourishment, and in modern and globally interconnected times in can even be used to share different cultures’ ideas of good food in a relaxed setting. Humans require food to survive, but the different ways that food is prepared and served is highly varied among cultures. Even how these cultures utilize food in larger social settings is widely variable. Sometimes it’s just a small gathering of families sharing food, other times it’s specialized food preparers providing food to a large number of people. Here we’ll look at one of the latter events where food plays a part. One of the larger and†¦show more content†¦One of the more classically ‘rodeo-style’ foods, barbeque, is served in huge quantities at this event, and there are many vendors that offer different styles of preparation. Barbeque is a type of food preparation that every person has their own special formula for doing, and they’re very different among various vendors. One of the vendors that’s been associated with the Houston Rodeo for a considerable length of time is Blue Ribbon Grill. They’ve participated in this event for a number of years, and because of this closeness and ability to bring in lots of customers, they’re allowed to set up their stall in a location that provides access to a large number of people; just outside the NRG Center, which houses a number of attractions, smaller events, and shopping. This location allows for a lot of foot traffic to pass by, and they’re also provided with a large shade tent that’s be en set up, which can be very appealing to people who have been walking around outside for a long portion of the day in the heat. Blue Ribbon Grill serves a variety of ‘classic’ barbecue foods: meat from the chest of a cow that’s been covered in a rub of various spices, smoked, and then sliced into thin pieces - brisket, the lower legs of turkeys that have been salted and cooked over a grill, simply known as turkey legs, and one of their foods that they’ve gained some
Ethnography Of Rodeo Food An Essential Component Of Many...
Ethnography of Rodeo Food Food is an essential component of many social events: it brings people from a wide variety of society together, it provides nourishment, and in modern and globally interconnected times in can even be used to share different cultures’ ideas of good food in a relaxed setting. Humans require food to survive, but the different ways that food is prepared and served is highly varied among cultures. Even how these cultures utilize food in larger social settings is widely variable. Sometimes it’s just a small gathering of families sharing food, other times it’s specialized food preparers providing food to a large number of people. Here we’ll look at one of the latter events where food plays a part. One of the larger and†¦show more content†¦One of the more classically ‘rodeo-style’ foods, barbeque, is served in huge quantities at this event, and there are many vendors that offer different styles of preparation. Barbeque is a type of food preparation that every person has their own special formula for doing, and they’re very different among various vendors. One of the vendors that’s been associated with the Houston Rodeo for a considerable length of time is Blue Ribbon Grill. They’ve participated in this event for a number of years, and because of this closeness and ability to bring in lots of customers, they’re allowed to set up their stall in a location that provides access to a large number of people; just outside the NRG Center, which houses a number of attractions, smaller events, and shopping. This location allows for a lot of foot traffic to pass by, and they’re also provided with a large shade tent that’s be en set up, which can be very appealing to people who have been walking around outside for a long portion of the day in the heat. Blue Ribbon Grill serves a variety of ‘classic’ barbecue foods: meat from the chest of a cow that’s been covered in a rub of various spices, smoked, and then sliced into thin pieces - brisket, the lower legs of turkeys that have been salted and cooked over a grill, simply known as turkey legs, and one of their foods that they’ve gained some
Monday, December 16, 2019
Apa Journal Article Review Features
Apa Journal Article Review Features The New Angle On Apa Journal Article Review Just Released If you wish to quote a particular portion of the paper, you have to incorporate the page name at the end. In reality, you use the word References at the peak of the page before you commence listing your sources. The very first step, nevertheless, is to understand what your topic is. The topic or theme of the write-up should fall within the reach of the area of information systems. The Fundamentals of Apa Journal Article Review You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Right Away If no DOI has been assigned and you're accessing the periodical online, utilize the URL of the site from which you're retrieving the periodical. Last submission has to be in the Week 6 AssignmentDropbox and student is not going to receive Turnitin outcomes. In case it's a scientific article being reviewed, the author is going to be asked to use database searches to retrieve the outcomes of the search. Desk research isn't about collecting data. A Secret Weapon for Apa Journal Article Review Citation management software such as Zotero and Endnote is crucial to maintain your sanity. Using textbooks and skilled journal articles from the Capella library are the very best sources of scholarly info. There are instances when students do not will need to use articles as the key sources. Keeping an eye on references will can bog off your writing. Writing needs a methodology, at least in the event that you intend publishing something somewhat larger than a blog post. You may be wondering about Journal List. If this is the case, you should also subscribe to my weekly newsletter. Re-formatting articles for various journals can easily eat up your spare time! Once you are able to locate journals, keep track of those. You do not need to pay for a lot of the material readily available to you in high-quality journals, and you should not pay for a report to review in IS 369. The Apa Journal Article Review Trap Don't be scared to withdraw your manuscript from consideration in the event the changes would be too hard to do. Also, there's research that indicates that people with mental disorders experience stigma not due to the diagnostic label, but as a result of their behavior that appears bizarre to other individuals. There is not a simple answer since there are many elements. Then there are pragmatic aspects, including how quickly you would like your article to come out. The critique section of the essay is organized into three primary components, the debut of the field where the post belongs and the wide difficulties. Below are a couple of APA hacks to have you started. The post starts with a discussion on the significance of environmental preparation. Not each of the articles in your account is going to be edited at exactly the same time, but you can have more than 1 article selected over time. An exploratory paper is normal in businesses when they're trying to obtain a remedy to an issue and will need to receive all of the potential perspectives and data available. Reviewing journal articles is the best approach to find out more about a particular region of interest and how research is conducted. There's very little research on the effect of blogs on science. Before finalizing a topic, you should make sure there is considerable research in that region. The Chronicles of Apa Journal Article Review The very first portion of the article review writing process is reading the short article to be reviewed for the very first time. It requires analytical t hinking and the ability to formulate opinion concerning analyzed material. The only means to compose a fantastic article review without reading the whole content is to get in touch with professional on-line writing services. It suggests that the writer reads the article several times to develop a complete understanding of the content and its main points. Apa Journal Article Review - the Conspiracy The write-up enforces the demand for the nurse to adhere to a specific order during the practice. Outline the time and resources you will want to finish each part of your case study. The most important strength of the write-up concerns the unbiased perspective on the present condition of the events. First is to exhaustively describe research done in a particular place.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller free essay sample
This paper looks at illusion and the American dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman. An examination of the themes of illusion and the American Dream in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. The play repeatedly shows the main character Willy Loman deluding himself into believing he is successfully pursuing his view of the American Dream financial success through business. Miller does this in two ways in particular. First, he constantly has the characters rewriting events so that when they are retold they reflect how they wish their lives really were instead of the reality of what happened. Second, as Willy Loman loses his grip on reality, he relives events from his past. By the end of the play, so many of Willy Lomans illusions about himself have been shattered, but his illusions about his son Biff are stronger, and he imagines that his suicide will guarantee his sons business success. We will write a custom essay sample on Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Willy has also constructed illusions around his sons, especially Biff, who truly was well liked in high school. Willy puts more emphasis on Biffs athletic talents and personal charm than is realistic, and encourages Biff to do the same. Chasing athletic fame for his son, Willy isnt concerned when Biff steals a football from the team he plays for, and encourages him to steal sand to aid in a home renovation project. Biffs friend Bernard reminds Biff that he needs to study for exams or risk not graduating, and both Biff and his father make fun of him for this. He encourages his sons to do dishonest thing, suggesting that Willys views about how to get ahead include setting personal values aside.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Light and Darkness in Macbeth free essay sample
Shakespearean literature is often characterised by imagery. William Shakespeare uses this technique in order to give hidden deeper meanings to his pieces, as we can see in the play Macbeth. As a matter of fact, in this tragedy the audience can find many different types of imagery: plant, animal, sleep, clothing and so forth. Most of these images are associated with a human characteristic; the imagery of light and darkness is no exception. The symbols of light and darkness in Macbeth are used to illustrate the contrasts between good and evil, to explain the actions of the protagonists, and are associated with sight and blindness to emphasize drama. Being two contrasting elements, the characteristics associated with light and darkness are also opposite; light is related to innocence, truth and purity, while darkness is associated with corruption, cruelty and guilt. In Macbeth, there are many different references to these two elements, and each one is connected to certain symbols which take the form of animals, plants, day, and night. We will write a custom essay sample on Light and Darkness in Macbeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ultimately, light and darkness represent good and evil. In the first scenes of Act I, the imagery of light is used when King Duncan names Malcolm as his successor and commends Macbeth for his bravery in battle by comparing them to stars, â€Å"†¦ signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine / On all deservers†(1. 4. 41-12). Duncan explains that he will award those who are virtuous and dutiful to him, because they deserve it. Because of these good qualities, namely honour and devotion, the person will shine like a star, since light is seen as good. Macbeth, however, already begins to ignore these values, â€Å"†¦Stars, hide your fires! / Let not light see my black and deep desires ;†( 1. 4. 50-52) In this case, light represents goodness and honesty. Macbeth does not want his morals to interfere with his inner ambitions. His conscience warns him not to commit the regicide, but Macbeth’s ambition and Lady Macbeth’s power of persuasion are strong, and they defeat his morality. Evil, his ‘black and deep desires’, is begin to take control of him. Light and darkness are also used to illustrate life and death. On the evening King Duncan is murdered, Lennox reports that the fire in his chimney was mysteriously blown out (2. 3. 3); the fire represented the King’s life. It is also strangely dark on the morning after the night of King Duncan’s murder, and Ross says to the Old Man, â€Å"by the clock, ‘tis day, / And yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp†(2. 4. 6-7). This signifies the start of darkness taking over Scotland, but can also be seen as a metaphor for Duncan’s life being ‘strangled’ by Macbeth, ‘the dark night’. Another example of darkness overtaking light occurs when Banquos torchlight (the one that illuminates him just enough so his murderers can see what theyre doing) is snuffed out the moment he is killed (3. 3. 5). Lastly, Macbeth responds to the news of Lady Macbeths suicide by proclaiming out, out brief candle (5. 5. 3), using the candles flame as a metaphor for her short life and sudden death. The image of the candle is used to show how vulnerable life is. It does not last for a long time and it is easily blown out. Macbeth learns this at a very high cost: his tragic end. The association of light and darkness does not only contrast and illustrate, but it is also used predominately by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, to foreshadow and describe their actions and feelings. Darkness is evidently used much more than light, and when light is mentioned, it is usually snuffed out or overtaken by darkness. This first occurs when Lady Macbeth asks thick night to come with the smoke of hell, so that her knife will not see the wound it makes in the peacefully sleeping King. She also calls for murderous spirits to prevent heaven from peep[ing] through the blanket of the dark to cry Hold, Hold! she implies that light (here associated with God, heaven, and goodness) offers protection from evil and is the only thing that can stop her from murdering Duncan (1. 5. 10-16). Later in the play, the audience can see that Macbeth does the same. After he has made the arrangements for the murder of Banquo, Macbeth tells the murderers that Fleance his son, that keeps him company, Whose absence is no less material to me Than is his fathers, must embrace the fate Of that dark hour (3. 1. 134-137). The hour will be dark both literally and metaphorically. Literally, Banquo and Fleance will be riding after dark, and thats when they will be ambushed. Metaphorically, the hour will be dark because thats when they will meet the final darkness of death. Macbeth is asking the night to take away Banquos life, because Banquo makes Macbeth pale with fear, â€Å"Come, sealing night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day; And with thy bloody and invisible hand Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond Which keeps me pale! †(3. 2. 50) In scenes after the Ghost of Banquo has ruined Macbeths banquet Macbeth asks his wife â€Å"What is the night?  She answers, â€Å"Almost at odds with morning, which is which (3. 4. 125-126). Then Macbeth states his intention to continue his bloody course of action, and says, Strange things I have in head, that will to hand; / which must be acted ere they may be scannd (3. 4. 138-39). Through these evil deeds, it is evident that Shakespeare wanted to emphasize the fact that darkness easily overtakes light. When one puts a bowl over a lit candle, its light is no longer seen. In the same way that sight and light, and blindness and darkness are used together in this analogy, Shakespeare uses these symbols together to amplify the themes certain scenes. When Macbeth is imagining what would happen if he was to kill King Duncan, he says that  †¦ Pity, like a naked new-born babe, Striding the blast, or heavens cherubim, horsed Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, That tears shall drown the wind. Here, the sightless couriers of the air are the winds, imagined as invisible (sightless) horses. This elaborate metaphor suggests that pity for King Duncan will be like that kind of wind that blows so hard that it brings tears to your eyes. Another example is when Macbeth sees the illusion of the eight kings escorted by Banquo. As soon as Macbeth sees this, he wishes he that he could stop looking, but cannot. When he sees the first king, he says to him, Thy crown does sear mine eye-balls , yet he keeps looking. By the time the fourth one appears, he says, Start, eyes! (4. 1. 116), as though he could command his own eyes to jump (start) out of his head and make him blind. Like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth also has something that she does not want to see in her sleepwalking scene. She enters the scene holding a candle, and when the doctor asks her gentlewoman how the lady happens to have the candle, the gentlewoman replies, Why, it stood by her: she has light by her continually; tis her command.  The doctor then points out, You see, her eyes are open (5. 1. 24), and the gentlewoman replies, Ay, but their sense is shut (5. 1. 25). Thus we see that Lady Macbeth, who eagerly awaited the dark hour of King Duncans murder, is now afraid of the dark, and though her eyes are open, she can see only her own memories of murder. Shakespeare uses the symbols of sight and blindness to emphasize the theme of guilt by personifying the guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Much of this play is filled with the struggle between light and darkness, the epic battle of good versus evil, and the theme is enforced by recurring images and Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relation to them. It is, however, the precision of Shakespeare’s’ imagery, which creates clear and vivid mental pictures, that gives his writing its unique style and quality. Shakespeare teaches an important lesson through these symbols: that if we let darkness into our lives it will take over the light unless we make an effort to change.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Health Law and Regulations Essay Example
Health Law and Regulations Essay Example Health Law and Regulations Essay Health Law and Regulations Essay Health attention is high on the list of the most regulated entities. Regulated by the authorities. the wellness attention sector is besides regulated by different private organic structures. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations ( JCAHO ) together with the National Committee on Quality Assurance ( NCQA ) and different medical fortes form portion of the private wellness attention regulative entities that collaborate with the authorities. Health attention ordinance is focused on three chief functions ; cost control. quality control. and entree enlargement and control. These three maps are subdivided into aims covering each facet refering to the wellness attention country. While the regulative plan exists to carry through the three above. quality control causes a decrease of entree. and increases the cost because of an addition in demand. Despite the mutuality of these aims. wellness attention ordinance does non indulge competition amongst the regulative organic structures. Important in the regulative industry are those who engage each other with the same end towards bettering the wellness attention. A bulk of the wellness attention regulative federal bureaus in America are comprised within the Federal Department of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) . The American fundamental law directs all wellness attention regulators to obey the fit legal procedure as their activities contain the possible to restrict or transgress the rights of wellness attention. Health attention is a high degree of bureaucratism and extended legal processs. Regulators are provided a notice for their proposed ordinance with findings to back up it. after which the sector under ordinance is allowed to contend or appeal the proposal. The legal procedure is appealed in every wellness attention process. whether if it’s to prove a new drug. suspend a practitioner’s licence. or a ordinance on environmental criterions. The Affordable Care Act ( ACA ) is a wellness attention ordinance signed into jurisprudence on the 23rd of March. 2010. The law’s chief focal point had been to increase the affordability and quality of American wellness insurance. Its policies were focused on take downing the rates imposed on the uninsured through the enlargement of both the private and public insurance screens. It had besides aimed to cut down the wellness attention costs incurred by the authorities along with citizens. Barely seven yearss after its enforcement had a new wellness attention jurisprudence come into consequence with amendments to the ACA. On March 30. 2010. the president of the United States signed into jurisprudence the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The jurisprudence had been enacted by the 111th US Congress ( Blackman. 2013 ) . The ACA has advantages as disadvantages. and has been at the head of political unfavorable judgment since its passage. Its strongest oppositions have cited it to be punitory of the high-end earners to buffer the center and lower categories. It has besides been reported to weigh to a great extent on the nation’s pay measure. In a nutshell. the ACA is designed to cover the bulk of American’s wellness attention insurance. However. the regulation’s cost factor has proven unsustainable without economically aching the high earning entities. The consequence of ACA’s execution has caused an overall negative economic realignment as assorted entities strive to stay afloat ; working hours have been significantly downsized by assorted corporations in expectancy of unsustainable insurance conformity. The ACA ordinance is seen as an economically disabling component in America’s overall economic complex. The tremendous revenue enhancement load shouldered by high gaining entities is evidenced to dribble down to the center and low income earners which resultantly deduces the benefits intended for these groups in an even more terrible manner. To get down with. although the ACA provides low-cost or free wellness attention insurance to 10s of 1000000s of American populations. support is raised through revenue enhancements. With a hiking in revenue enhancements for wellness attention support. gaining populations are left with less to pass. The American center and low income groups are even more affected by the inauspicious effects as rising prices sets in to retrieve the turning shortage induced by the regulation’s execution. The ACA had been endorsed as an affordability enterprise but the repercussive costs have indicated the ordinance as a dearly-won matter across the board. Insurance participants report certain clauses in the ordinance as detrimental to the procedure. An illustration is the ordinances directive for insurance to widen their coverage even to vomit uninsured people at no excess cost. The attendant consequence has been the rise in insurance premium costs which farther complicates the insurer’s function in the enterprise. About all the good facets within the ordinance are countered with contradictory challenges that undermine its intent. While Medicaid is expanded by the ordinance to cover an estimation 15. 9 million citizens below 138 % of the belongings degree. the cost is met by province and federal support which farther imposes an huge step of revenue enhancement escalation. The ordinance nevertheless features more benefits than restrictions with respect to adult females enterprises. The ACA grants up to 47 million adult females entree to wellness attention services consisting health and preventive attention. Additionally. the jurisprudence prohibits adult females paying more than work forces for wellness attention services as had been the instance prior to enactment ( Blackman. 2013 ) . The ACA ordinance started 157 new bureaus. boards and plans to supervise the efficient execution of the jurisprudence aboard modulating wellness attention disbursement. Although there are negative cost deductions associated with the immense inadvertence entities provisioned in the ordinance. advocates argue these costs to be necessary in commanding the unaccounted wellness attention outgo ( Blackman. 2013 ) . Employment in America is presently readapting to follow with the regulation’s 2015 execution stage necessitating all employers to supply an insurance screen on their employees. The attendant consequence to this alteration has been two faced ; little concern have been using portion clip employees full clip to follow with the 2015 authorization while big concerns have been cut downing portion clip working hours to avoid paying the employees insurance when the stage is implemented. The ACA is illustrated as a complex employment factor with many occupations feared to be lost as many new 1s are created. Notably. the ordinance undertakings an result where employees will freely go forth their several occupations without fright for losing retirement benefits affiliated to wellness attention. Consequently. the ordinance aims to diminish employees working hours while keeping and making new employment chances. Despite the employment benefits highlighted within the ACA. many citizens remain disbelieving of the approaching 2015 employer-insurance stage. Dissenting political sentiments are fliping the impending reforms as a negative facet of the ACA passage set to decrease legion occupation chances. Federal and private wellness attention ordinance remains as an of import constituent in the broader sense of the wellness industry covering every individual facet entailed in human wellness. The quality. cost and entree control aims are characteristic to every wellness related industry. With respect to personal experience. I have on several occasions observed medical licences revoked for certain practicians following a legal procedure to challenge the quality displayed by the practicians in context. The two mentioned above 2010 wellness attention ordinances contain a complex and largely long term docket aimed at breaking the quality of wellness attention services in America. The current challenges are mostly short-run and should non be invoked to sabotage long-run benefits. A healthy argument is nevertheless indispensable to guarantee minimized negations throughout the execution procedure. Mentions Top of Form Blackman. J. ( 2013 ) . Unprecedented: The constitutional challenge to Obamacare. Bottom of Form
Friday, November 22, 2019
An Overview of Pontiacs Rebellion
An Overview of Pontiacs Rebellion Beginning in 1754, the French Indian War saw British and French forces clash as both sides worked to expand their empires in North America. While the French initially won several early encounters such as the Battles of the Monongahela (1755) and Carillon (1758), the British ultimately gained the upper hand after triumphs at Louisbourg (1758), Quebec (1759), and Montreal (1760). Though fighting in Europe continued until 1763, forces under General Jeffery Amherst immediately began working to consolidate British control over New France (Canada) and the lands to the west known as the pays den haut. Comprising parts of present-day Michigan, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, the tribes of this region had largely been allied with the French during the war. Though the British made peace with the tribes of around the Great Lakes as well as those in the Ohio and Illinois Countries, the relationship remained strained. These tensions were worsened by policies implemented by Amherst which worked to treat the Native Americans as a conquered people rather than equals and neighbors. Not believing that the Native Americans could mount meaningful resistance against British forces, Amherst reduced the frontier garrisons as well as began to eliminate ritual gifts which he viewed as blackmail. He also began to restrict and block the sale of gunpowder and weapons. This latter act caused particular hardship as it limited the Native Americans ability to hunt for food and furs. Though the head of the Indian Department, Sir William Johnson, repeatedly advised against these policies, Amherst persisted in their implementation. While these directives impacted all of the Native Americans in the region, those in the Ohio Country were further angered by colonial encroachment into their lands. Moving Towards Conflict As Amhersts policies began to take effect, Native Americans living in the pays den haut began to suffer from disease and starvation. This led to the beginning of a religious revival led by Neolin (The Delaware Prophet). Preaching that the Master of Life (Great Spirit) was angered at the Native Americans for embracing European ways, he urged the tribes to cast out the British. In 1761, British forces learned that the Mingos in the Ohio Country were contemplating war. Racing to Fort Detroit, Johnson convened a large council which was able to maintain an uneasy peace. Though this lasted into 1763, the situation on the frontier continued to deteriorate. Pontiac Acts On April 27, 1763, the Ottawa leader Pontiac called members of several tribes together near Detroit. Addressing them, he was able to convince many of them to join in an attempt to capture Fort Detroit from the British. Scouting the fort on May 1, he returned a week later with 300 men carrying concealed weapons. Though Pontiac had hoped to take the fort by surprise, the British had been alerted to a possible attack and were on alert. Forced to withdraw, he elected to lay siege to the fort on May 9. Killing settlers and soldiers in the area, Pontiacs men defeated a British supply column at Point Pelee on May 28. Maintaining the siege into the summer, the Native Americans were unable to prevent Detroit from being reinforced in July. Attacking Pontiacs camp, the British were turned back at Bloody Run on July 31. As a stalemate ensured, Pontiac elected to abandon the siege in October after concluding that French aid would not be forthcoming (Map). The Frontier Erupts Learning of Pontiacs actions at Fort Detroit, tribes throughout the region began moving against the frontier forts. While the Wyandots captured and burned Fort Sandusky on May 16, Fort St. Joseph fell to the Potawatomis nine days later. On May 27, Fort Miami was taken after its commander was killed. In the Illinois Country, the garrison of Fort Ouiatenon was compelled to surrender to a combined force of Weas, Kickapoos, and Mascoutens. In early June, the Sauks and Ojibwas used a stickball game to distract British forces while they moved against Fort Michilimackinac. By the end of June 1763, Forts Venango, Le Boeuf, and Presque Isle were also lost. In the wake of these victories, Native American forces began moving against Captain Simeon Ecuyers garrison at Fort Pitt. Siege of Fort Pitt As fighting escalated, many settlers fled to Fort Pitt for safety as Delaware and Shawnee warriors raided deep into Pennsylvania and unsuccessfully struck Forts Bedford and Ligonier. Coming under siege, Fort Pitt was soon cut off. Increasingly concerned about the situation, Amherst directed that Native American prisoners be killed and inquired about the potential of spreading smallpox among the enemy population. This latter idea had already been implemented by Ecuyer who had given the besieging forces infected blankets on June 24. Though smallpox did break out among the Ohio Native Americans, the disease was already present prior Ecuyers actions. In early August, many of the Native Americans near Fort Pitt departed in an effort to destroy a relief column which was approaching. In the resulting Battle of Bushy Run, Colonel Henry Bouquets men turned back the attackers. This done, he relieved the fort on August 20. Troubles Continue The success at Fort Pitt was soon offset by a bloody defeat near Fort Niagara. On September 14, two British companies had over 100 killed at the Battle of Devils Hole when they attempted to escort a supply train to the fort. As settlers along the frontier became increasingly worried about raids, vigilante groups, such as the Paxton Boys, began to emerge. Based in Paxton, PA, this group began attacking local, friendly Native Americans and went so far as to kill fourteen that were in protective custody. Though Governor John Penn issued bounties for the culprits, they were never identified. Support for the group continued to grow in and 1764 they marched on Philadelphia. Arriving, they were prevented from doing additional damage by British troops and militia. The situation was later diffused through negotiations overseen by Benjamin Franklin. Ending the Uprising Angered by Amhersts actions, London recalled him in August 1763 and replaced him with Major General Thomas Gage. Assessing the situation, Gage moved forward with plans that had been developed by Amherst and his staff. These called for two expeditions to push into the frontier led by Bouquet and Colonel John Bradstreet. Unlike his predecessor, Gage first asked Johnson to conduct a peace council at Fort Niagara in an effort to remove some of the tribes from the conflict. Meeting in the summer of 1764, the council saw Johnson return the Senecas to the British fold. As restitution for their part in the Devils Hole engagement, they ceded the Niagara portage to the British and agreed to send a war party west. With the conclusion of the council, Bradstreet and his command began moving west across Lake Erie. Stopping at Presque Isle, he exceeded his orders by concluding a peace treaty with several of the Ohio tribes which stated that Bouquets expedition would not go forward. As Bradstreet continued west, an incensed Gage promptly repudiated the treaty. Reaching Fort Detroit, Bradstreet agreed to a treaty with local Native American leaders through which he believed them to accept British sovereignty. Departing Fort Pitt in October, Bouquet advanced to the Muskingum River. Here he entered into negotiations with several of the Ohio tribes. Isolated due to Bradstreets earlier efforts, they made peace in mid-October. Aftermath The campaigns of 1764 effectively ended the conflict, though some calls for resistance still came from the Illinois Country and Native American leader Charlot Kaskà ©. These issues were dealt with in 1765 when Johnsons deputy, George Croghan, was able to meet with Pontiac. After extensive discussions, Pontiac agreed to come east and he concluded a formal peace treaty with Johnson at Fort Niagara in July 1766. An intense and bitter conflict, Pontiacs Rebellion ended with the British abandoning Amhersts policies and returning to those used earlier. Having recognized the inevitable conflict that would emerge between colonial expansion and the Native Americans, London issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763 which prohibited settlers from moving over the Appalachian Mountains and created a large Indian Reserve. This action was poorly received by those in the colonies and was the first of many laws issued by Parliament that would lead to the American Revolution.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Education, in particular equality in education Essay
Education, in particular equality in education - Essay Example In one of his Lectures on education, Emerson declared that the whole theory of schooling and education is on the mother’s knee (1). A child learns to skate, fish, make snowballs and hit a mark with a stone. This is education, the same way learning the secrets of science, history and literature is. What is important is to respect the student and impart knowledge that catches a student’s attention and brings out the genius in him. However, education today is governed by the steam instead of meeting the needs of each individual mind. According to Freire’s Educational Theory, it is important for the teachers to recognize that the students are thinking subjects rather than objects (90). Therefore, it is not possible for information to be transferred from a teacher to the learner and simply memorized. This transference of knowledge needs to be shaped through discussions and reflections and comprehended for it to be called education. He also believed that a teacher should try Humans are members of not only the society they live in, but also the world. Every human being is linked to another and it is crucial for human beings to understand each other rather than focusing on what benefits they can derive from one another, especially in times of globalization where the world has become an interdependent global village. This understanding can be gained through Liberal Education as derived by Martha Nussbaum. Nussbaum, in her article ‘Liberal Education & Global Community’ wrote that the system of higher education in many countries focuses on a single pre-professional subject whereas, the liberal arts universities will cultivate humanity within students and allow them to deal with other humans through human understanding rather than economic and political connections (2-3). According to Armstrong, Doctor Howard Gardner proposed the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Freshman Forced to Live on Campus Annotated Bibliography
Freshman Forced to Live on Campus - Annotated Bibliography Example The author of the article is credible and well aware of the trend, as she has been associated with the Arizona State University for more than three years (Soucie, 2009). The targeted audience of this article is the teacher`s faculty and students of the university, who are willing to know about current situation of campus housing (Soucie, 2009). Moreover, in this article it is explained that university students do not like to live in campus houses, but the reason behind their preferences is not clearly mentioned in the source (Soucie, 2009). Villagio apartments are most preferable houses of students and they so wanted to live in there, but due to economical situations, they cannot afford those houses (Soucie, 2009). Here, the author should mention the difference between rents of Tempe homes and campus houses, but he failed to do so. This article is useful and I will use this article as an important source for illustrating promotion of campus houses in the universities in comparison wi th other rental homes for students. This article is also taken from the same source. The title of the article indicates that the university is welcoming all new students to come and live in campus houses. The writer of this article is trustworthy and responsible because he is a qualified young journalist, who has recently passed out from the Arizona State University (Quizon, 2008). The author has targeted fresh students of the university and those who are willing to take admission in the Arizona State University (Quizon, 2008). The author has explicitly explained in his article that students, who live on campus houses, can have more chances to attain good marks in the exams, as previously it has been noticed that students who lived on campus houses performed more efficiently, than those who lived in other rental houses away from the campus (Quizon, 2008). Additionally, views and comments of faculty members show that campus intended to provide
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Tourism in Antarctica Essay Example for Free
Tourism in Antarctica Essay Oil spills, although reasonably infrequent, are major threats to nearby wildlife. Increased tourism is also bringing about the invasion of alien species and spores into Antarctica, and although species such as the Mediterranean mussel will not be able to thrive on the ice shelf due to the temperatures, they can prove to be a threat to the marine wildlife when growing on ship hulls. Most tourists to Antarctica have flown to southern areas such as Punta Arenas in Chile or New Zealand. The pollution created by these long-distance flights is considerable and contributes to global warming. In addition to this, as global warming melts away floating ice sheets on the water, there will be space for larger ships to arrive, resulting in more tourists, and an increase in the issues aforementioned. Furthermore, there are the issues which are prevalent in all tourist destinations, such as litter, sewage, and overcrowding. What is being done to minimise the impact of tourism? All 100+ tour operators in Antarctica are members of IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators), which urges tour operators to be environmentally-friendly, and to urge their clients to also do so. Tourism is very much legal and acceptable in Antarctica, and it is only the scale of this which needs to be controlled. SSSIs (Sites of Special Scientific Interest), such as Bird Island on South Georgia are laid out beforehand, and tourists are not allowed to visit these, in order to preserve wildlife and certain habitats. In order to partake in any activities on the island, a permit is required, so that this can be regulated. Ships landing in Antarctica cannot be carrying more than 500 people, with only 100 being allowed to disembark at once and ships carrying heavy fuel oil (normally large passenger ships) are not allowed to enter Antarctic waters. The number of cruise vessels at any one site in the Antarctic has been limited to 40, and only one ship is allowed to land at each site at once. In addition to this, no waste or litter is to be left at the tourist sites, tourists are not allowed to walk on the lichens or moss and no tourist is allowed to go within 5 metres of an animal. All tour guides are officially trained and are experienced scientific personnel who have been involved in research in Antarctica. Waste disposal is tightly regulated, with prohibitions of the dumping of waste anywhere in the Antarctic continent, with ships now having purpose-built waste containment facilities. This shows how sustainable tourism in Antarctica is a high priority, and how there are many measures taken to minimise the negative impacts of tourism. Although these measures are effective now, it is unknown whether they will stay in place in the future, and if Antarctica will retain its title as the ‘World’s last true wilderness’ for much longer.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Service quality of hospitality information system Essay -- Technology,
Service quality of hospitality information system has emerged as an important function under discussion for the hospitality industry in IRAN which has been identified as one of the efficient structures for the organizational performance within the competitive marketplace regarding hospitality information system (lewis 1993) .The service quality of hospitality information system provide equivalent services ,establishing high service quality ,supplement customer satisfaction, and enlarge the organizational profitability of providers and market share (Hoffman &Bateson 1997). Most organizations within the hospitality industry in IRAN have research about the significance issues to evaluating service quality , customer satisfaction, and customer expectations regarding the service quality. According to Sudipta, &Adittya, (2005), service quality of hospitality information system has emerged as an issue of importance for the hospitality industry it has been identified as one of th e most effective means by building a competitive position and improving organizational performance. However, customer satisfaction and customer expectations are two important factors in evaluating the service quality and make essential decisions concerning future supporting and investment. One of the most important development aspects in hospitality information system is the growing consideration toward service quality of hospitality information system by delivering useful informations and high quality service to the customers .The importance factors of hospitality information system are distributed into different subdivisions which provide useful informations to tourists and customers , not only online brochures and general informations about the p... ...re and increase the organizational profits . Measuring customer perspective of the service quality of hospitality information system at the hotel industry within the Iranian society can being able the hotels as a key tool to provide and analyze customer feedback , policies and practices , employee commitment , education and training , organizational marketing . Met expectation model is one of the main models that hotels are using in Iran, to evaluate the terms of service quality with different perspectives among customers and the organization . The expectations and service delivery from two different perspectives can help the organization to identify the strengths and weaknesses in service quality and service delivery . In addition , this make organizations able to measure service and performance quality of hospitality information system in a broader area .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Case Study: Decision Making Based on Mission & Vision of Organization Essay
In this case study, Community Medical Center has a strong reputation for quality of medical care. The president of CMC has the difficult position of making a crucial decision that will impact his licensed and unlicensed staff, patients and the community at large. This short essay will address the possible vision and mission of CMC that will guide the president in his decision about the case study of an operating room who may have HIV/AIDS. This paper will also discuss the president’s decision and how he will communicate it to the physicians, employees, and the public. Mission and Vision of Community Medical Center CMC is a fairly large hospital which offers various services and had more than fifty surgeons on staff. It has a large clinical staff in various departments. The other nearest hospital is located in another city. CMC has a good reputation over the past decades. The president of CMC has a several issues of which he needs to make decisions on. The chief of surgery and about fifty other surgeons are threatening to leave along with their patients, to a rival hospital in another city, if the OR nurse is not relieved of his duties. If this happens revenue will be impacted along with lay-offs and services; the effects could be millions of dollars. The president will definitely need to communicate with not only the surgeons but also the governing board (i. e. board of directors), human resources, chief financial officer, and public affairs. The president will need to remind and commend his staff of the fact that CMC has a strong reputation for quality of medical care, a large staff of surgeons, clinical departments, and a governing board during the past decades. He will need to remind his staff on some core values such being respectful by communicating authentically, trusting each other, and honor the efforts of all team members. He should also remind them of being ethical by demonstrating integrity and loyalty with the highest regard for confidentiality (CMC, 2011). President’s Dilemma He definitely does not want to lose the chief of surgery and the majority of his surgeons. The president surely does not want a federal suit on his hands, at the suggestion of the OR nurse’s attorney. He also needs to address the issue of confidentiality and the â€Å"leak†from within the organization. There is also the issue of the media and the wording of his press release. President’s Decision Firstly, the President of CMC will have to confirm if the OR nurse in fact has HIV/AIDS. Then it would be best for him to meet and communicate with the governing board, human resources and public affairs to see what the procedures and protocols along with the core values of the organization are (willful choice models). This should reveal whether the surgeons can leave with or without repercussions (i. e. violations of contract). An article in Today’s Hospitalist states that physicians very rarely follow through with their threats to quit. Furthermore, that these threats just creates problems (Doyle, 2011). The P&P’s should also reveal the steps to be taken in labor dispute issues, and media concerns. This will aid the president on how to handle the OR nurse’s impending suit. If he isn’t aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), he may want to review this or ask his human resource department about it. He should also use ADA information such as the fact the HIV/AIDS can only be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected individual, exposure to infected blood, or blood products. Communicating this information to his staff may ease or erase their worries (ADA HIV Q & A). It will also help guide him in how to deal with the problem of the â€Å"leak†to the media. At this point, the president can relay to his staff the importance of confidentiality, and respect, and accountability. He will probably need to enlist the help of his public affairs, or media and advertising departments with the issue of the â€Å"leak†. The reality-based or garbage can models will help the president in finding logic and order in the midst of decision-making chaos. There is ambiguity, uncertainty, and preferences of those involved. Therefore the president will need to be able to provide knowledge on HIV/AIDs to his staff, answers their questions about HIV/AIDS based on available information/data. He must be able to communicate this to his staff thoroughly and convincingly. The triangulation method is a more thorough and would probably be the best route for the president of CMC. This would be a combination of the quantitative and qualitative approaches. Here, small groups of people can present or suggest possible solutions which can be analyzed quantitatively. The president can then draw from this information and makes his decision. It is good practice for resolving (resolutions in reality-based models) resolutions.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Environmental Development through Role Play in Schools Essay
1. Executive Summary In this proposal the Environmental Protection Group (EPG) requests funding for its Environmental Development Project through Role Play in Schools. The project’s goal is to contribute to the reduction of environmental devastation and destruction through the implementation of role-play strategies that highlight concomitant preventive and behaviour change interventions. With this support, EPG will emphasize on increasing awareness practices and measurement requirements and work in close collaboration with partners toward the reduction of the burden of environmental devastation. EPG is requesting Kyats 16,000,000 to support its efforts to combat human effects on our environment and its resultant environmental destruction among the currently unnoticed affected areas of Myanmar. EPG will work in collaboration with the â€Å"Save Earth†, community-based organizations and International NGOs, promoting positive behaviour change through the Environmental protection Role play in schools project. 2. Environmental Issues in Myanmar While environmental protection projects and environment activists are endeavoring to bring forth harmony amongst our environment and our society, Myanmar has rather a slow rate of environmental protection measurements. Citizens should be warned of the effects of their behavior on the environment and the resultant destruction of the environment. However, since the population of working people will not be able to contribute much to our project, we have set our targets on children. Through role play on environmental devastation, we will raise children’s awareness of the environment. Despite learning about the deterioration of the environment only when they get older, making children contribute to the environment is claimed to have much effect both on the children and on the environment. While the environment will get greener with children’s interest in it, the children, on the other hand, will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of their behavior towards the Earth. This way, the science of the Earth and the art of individual responsibility will be learned by the children at the same time, as well as benefit in the eco-friendliness of men and our Earth. 3. Project Objectives – to raise environmental awareness through community participation approach – to get ideas from the community – to promote community’s critical thinking of the environment 4. Our Vision Statement Communities in which people respect the environment, develop the sustainable eco-friendly lifestyle and share the environmental knowledge and practice from generation to generation. 5. The weaknesses of our community – Lack of environmental awareness – Weakness in practicing conservation – Ignorance of the significance of the natural environment 6. Skills and Qualities – Patience – Motivation in community participation – Theatre ability – Persuasiveness – Ability to understand the reality of the community – Scientific Knowledge
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Using Photographs and Illustrations to Support Reading Comprehension
Using Photographs and Illustrations to Support Reading Comprehension Whether they are the cave drawings in the south of France, the cartoons of Hogarth or Satellite pictures, illustrations and photos are powerful ways for students with disabilities, especially difficulty with text, to find and retain information from textbooks and non-fiction. That, after all, is what reading comprehension is about: understanding and retaining information, and having the ability to retell that information, not performance on multiple choice tests. Often students with reading difficulties are so stuck I find, when working with struggling readers, that they get so stuck on the code - decoding unfamiliar multi-syllabic words, that they dont get as far as the meaning. More often than not, they actually miss the meaning. Focusing students on text features, such as the illustrations and the captions help students focus on the meaning and authors intent before they actually have to read any text. Illustrations will help students Understand what the author believes is important in the text.Visualize the context of the non-fiction text (especially history or geography) or content of the chapter/article. For students who struggle with text, the visual representation of content will help them see the important content. Learn text specific vocabulary. An illustration of an insect in a biology text or a plant in a botany text will be accompanied by captions or labels. Be sure that students note that information in the text. Using Pictures and Illustrations in Conjunction with Other Text Features An essential part of SQ3R (Scan, Question, Read, Review, Reread) a long term strategy for developmental reading is to Scan the text. Scanning basically includes looking over the text and identifying important information. Titles and Subtitles are the first stop on a text walk. Titles will also help introduce the important topic spedific vocabulary. Expect a chapter about the Civil War to have specific vocabulary in the subtitles. Be sure to have a list of focus words for flash cards before you start your text walk: Give (or have available) 3 by 5 cards available for students to write down the text specific vocabulary as your do the text walk together. Captions and Labels accompany most pictures, and should be read as you do the text walk. Be sure students record all of the important vocabulary, even if they can read them. Depending on your students sophistication, a picture or a written definition should go on the back. The purpose should be for your students to be able to define the vocabulary using their own words. The Reading Strategy - The Text Walk The first time you teach the strategy, you will want to walk the child through the whole process. Later it will be better if you can fade some of your support and have students take more responsibility for the text walk. This would be a great activity to do in partners across abilities, especially if you have students who benefit from the structure but have stronger reading skills. After reviewing the titles and pictures, have students make predictions: What will you read about? What do you want to know more about as you read? Did you see a picture that surprised you? Then scan together for vocabulary they should have on their flashcards. Make a list on the board or using a document on the digital projector in your classroom.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Battle of Tannenberg in World War I
The Battle of Tannenberg in World War I The Battle of Tannenberg was fought August 23-31, 1914, during World War I (1914-1918). One of the few battles of maneuver from a conflict best known for static trench warfare, Tannenberg saw German forces in the east effectively destroy General Alexander Samsonovs Russian Second Army. Employing a mix of signals intelligence, knowledge of the enemy commanders personalities, and effective rail transportation, the Germans were able to concentrate their forces before overwhelming and surrounding Samsonovs men. The battle also marked the debut of General Paul von Hindenburg and his chief of staff, General Erich Ludendorff, as a highly effective duo on the battlefield. Background With the outbreak of World War I, Germany began implementation of the Schlieffen Plan. This called for the bulk of their forces to assemble in the west while only a small holding force remained in the east. The goal of the plan was to quickly defeat France before the Russians could fully mobilize their forces. With France defeated, Germany would be free to focus their attention to the east. As dictated by the plan, only General Maximilian von Prittwitzs Eighth Army was allocated for the defense of East Prussia as it was expected that it would take the Russians several weeks to transport their men to the front (Map). Russian Movements While this was largely true, two-fifths of Russias peacetime army was located around Warsaw in Russian Poland, making it immediately available for action. While the bulk of this strength was to be directed south against Austria-Hungary, who were fighting a largely one-front war, the First and Second Armies were deployed north to invade East Prussia. Crossing the frontier on August 15, General Paul von Rennenkampfs First Army moved west with the goal of taking Konigsberg and driving into Germany. To the south, General Alexander Samsonovs Second Army trailed behind, not reaching the border until August 20. This separation was enhanced by a personal dislike between the two commanders as well as a geographic barrier consisting of a chain of lakes which forced the armies to operate independently. After Russian victories at Stallupà ¶nen and Gumbinnen, a panicked Prittwitz ordered the abandonment of East Prussia and a retreat to the Vistula River (Map). Stunned by this, the Chief of the German General Staff Helmuth von Moltke sacked the Eighth Army commander and dispatched General Paul von Hindenburg to take command. To aid Hindenburg, the gifted General Erich Ludendorff was assigned as chief of staff. Shifting South Just prior to the change in command, Prittwitzs deputy chief of operations, Colonel Max Hoffmann, proposed a bold plan to crush Samsonovs Second Army. Already aware that the deep animosity between the two Russian commanders would preclude any cooperation, his planning was further aided by the fact that the Russians were transmitting their marching orders in the clear. With this information in hand, he proposed shifting the German I Corps south by train to the far left of Samsonovs line, while the XVII Corps and I Reserve Corps were moved to oppose the Russian right. This plan was risky as any turn south by Rennenkampfs First Army would endanger the German left. In addition, it required the southern portion of the Kà ¶nigsberg defenses to be left unmanned. The 1st Cavalry Division was deployed to screen to the east and south of Kà ¶nigsberg. Arriving on August 23, Hindenburg and Ludendorff reviewed and immediately implemented Hoffmanns plan. As movements began, the German XX Corps continued to oppose Second Army. Pushing forward on August 24, Samsonov believed his flanks to be unopposed and ordered a drive northwest towards the Vistula while VI Corps moved north to Seeburg. Germans General Paul von HindenburgGeneral Erich Ludendorff166,000 men Russians General Alexander SamsonovGeneral Paul von Rennenkampf416,000 men Casualties Germany - 13,873 (1,726 killed, 7,461 wounded, 4,686 missing)Russia - 170,000 (78,000 killed/wounded/missing, 92,000 captured) Hindenburg Attacks Concerned that the Russian VI Corps was making a flanking march, Hindenburg ordered General Hermann von Franà §ois I Corps to begin their attack on August 25. This was resisted by Franà §ois as his artillery had not arrived. Eager to begin, Ludendorff and Hoffmann visited him to press the order. Returning from the meeting, they learned through radio intercepts that Rennenkampf planned to continue moving due west while Samsonov pressed XX Corps near Tannenberg. In the wake of this information, Franà §ois was able to delay until the 27th, while XVII Corps was ordered to attack the Russian right as soon as possible (Map). Due to I Corps delays, it was XVII Corps which opened the main battle on August 26. Attacking the Russian right, they drove back elements of the VI Corps near Seeburg and Bischofstein. To the south, the German XX Corps was able to hold around Tannenberg, while the Russian XIII Corps drove unopposed on Allenstein. Despite this success, by the end of the day, the Russians were in jeopardy as XVII Corps had begun to turn their right flank. The next day, the German I Corps began their assault around Usdau. Using his artillery to advantage, Franà §ois broke through the Russian I Corps and began advancing. The Trap Closed In an effort to save his offensive, Samsonov withdrew XIII Corps from Allenstein and re-directed them against the German line at Tannenberg. This led to the majority of his army being concentrated east of Tannenberg. Through the day on the 28th, German forces continued to drive back the Russian flanks and the true danger of the situation began to dawn on Samsonov. Requesting Rennenkampf to divert to the southwest to provide aid, he ordered Second Army to begin falling back to the southwest to regroup (Map). By the time these orders were issued, it was too late as Franà §ois I Corps had advanced past the remnants of the Russian left flank and assumed a blocking position to the southwest between Niedenburg and Willenburg. He was soon joined by XVII Corps which, having defeated the Russian right, advanced southwest. Retreating southeast on August 29th, the Russians encountered these German forces and realized they were surrounded. The Second Army soon formed a pocket around Frogenau and was subjected to relentless artillery bombardment by the Germans. Though Rennenkampf made attempts to reach the beleaguered Second Army, his advance was badly delayed by the German cavalry operating on his front. The Second Army continued to fight for another two days until the bulk of its forces surrendered. Aftermath The defeat at Tannenberg cost the Russians 92,000 captured, as well as another 30,000-50,000 killed and wounded. German casualties totaled around 12,000-20,000. Dubbing the engagement the Battle of Tannenberg, in vindication of the Teutonic Knights 1410 defeat on the same ground by a Polish and Lithuanian army, Hindenburg succeeded in ending the Russian threat to East Prussia and Silesia. Following Tannenberg, Rennenkampf began a fighting retreat which culminated in a German victory at the First Battle of the Masurian Lakes in mid-September. Having escaped the encirclement, but unable to face Tsar Nicholas II after the defeat, Samsonov committed suicide. In a conflict best remembered for trench warfare, Tannenberg was one of the few great battles of maneuver.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Venous Leg Ulcer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Venous Leg Ulcer - Essay Example Financial expenditures are also substantial with costs in the United States estimated to be $75 million to $1 billion per year. Individuals who experience venous leg ulcers place significant demands on health services, particularly community-based agencies. healing is time consuming and lengthened, requiring health care professionals to spotlight on the wound or the branch that is affected by the leg ulcer in providing care. Although this is vital, existing research suggests that a more holistic perceptive of the experience of breathing with a leg ulcer may also be advantageous. Due to the actuality that community health nurses are the major care professionals providing care for this challenging health problem, they have considerable opportunity to impact not just wound healing but also the patient's experience of living with a leg ulcer. Leg Ulcer Pain, functional restrictions, and emotional suffering have all been recognized as contemporaneous difficulties connected with living with a leg ulcer. classification of these symptoms and their effect on lifestyles may provide important information to improve health outcomes, both from a provider and a patient perspective. Goals of alleviating physical and emotional suffering as well as improving wound healing may contribute to decreasing costs coupled with leg ulcers. Venous leg ulcers, like any unremitting disease, require self-management on the part of the individual. Self-management, in turn, requires knowledge, functional capabilities, and power in order to sustain healing behaviors. This preliminary research study sought to determine if individuals with venous leg ulcers had the necessary knowledge to participate in self-management and whether they were capable of performing the self-management skills that would enhance healing. Nursing role in curing pain Nurses, by virtue of their role in the close and continuous care of patients, are privileged to hear the stories of people coping in times of illness, feeling vulnerable and at the mercy of the system. Such stories reveal that the health of a society is more than mortality rates and numbers of surgical interventions and more than clever science. It is about how we support those in our society who are unable to care for themselves so that we have a society in which the quality of life is at least reasonable for as many as possible. This means facing the difficult decisions about redistribution of funding, about what constitutes good health and a healthy society, about who should make the decisions and about whose interests should be served in a health care system. The issues raised in this section are by no means all encompassing of our major social ills and make no claims to be so. They are merely those that claim the attention of nurses today as they work towards addressing how to e nsure better outcomes both for individuals and for society. But they can only do this if they are supported by a system with similar values and priorities. Implementation or Treatment A report commissioned by the Agency for Health Care and Policy and Research in 1992 found that less than 50% of venous leg ulcer patients reported having adequate pain management in the post-operative period. Studies undertaken in general
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Archplot in the film Die Hard Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Archplot in the film Die Hard - Movie Review Example These struggles must represent the protagonist's particular desire to achieve his objectives against the antagonistic force. There is a linear time frame which characterises the temporal features of the story. This linear time frame is produced as a result of discrete and causally related events. The final feature of the Archplot is the nature of the story's ending. The ending leaves no room for doubt as to the fate of the characters. The ending, in short, is characterised by a finality which cannot be altered. This essay will argue that, in nearly all respects, the Die Hard screenplay conforms closely to the main features of the Archplot. This screenplay pursues the fundamental features noted by McKee, and a textual analysis of the screenplay will be employed to analyse each of these features of the Archplot, respectively. There is a preliminary question as to whether the main protagonist is active or passive. The protagonist in Die Hard is John McClane, a New York City police officer. The script introduces him as "mid-thirties, good-looking, athletic and tired from his trip" (Die Hard: 3). He has a Beretta pistol visible through his open jacket and, in an early attempt to establish the protagonist as an active character, the script contrasts him with a fellow airline passenger when "McClane turns, looks at the Babbit clone next to him. Caught, he tenses, holds his armrests in exaggerated fear" (Die Hard: 3). The Babbit reference is to a famous American literary work which bemoans the passivity and the helplessness of the working man. The physical description of the protagonist, the gun, and the explicit literary reference seek to immediately establish McClane as the anti-Babbit, or the opposite of passive and helpless. McKee establishes various guidelines, or commandments if you will, for creating an active protagonist within the Archplot framework. First, the action must always be within the control of the protagonist. This does not require that the protagonist drive the action forward, indeed the protagonist may be placed in a reactionary role, but that the protagonist is always connected in some way to the plot as it unfolds. Second, the plot must pose challenges and obstacles for the protagonist; in this way, an active protagonist is one whom is presented with barriers to the achievement of certain goals and objectives. Finally, the active protagonist is characterised by an event or a situation which throws his life out of balance or in some other way renders him vulnerable to an antagonistic force. The John McClane character conforms extraordinarily close to McKee's notion of an active protagonist. Die Hard begins and ends with the protagonist. John McClane comes to Los Angeles, becomes embroiled in an adversarial conflict, reigns supreme in the conflict, disposes of the adversary, and then continues to enjoy the original purpose of his visit. As an initial matter, McClane is perfectly tailored for the conflict which he encounters, describing himself as "a New York cop who used to be a New York kid, and I got six months backlog of New York scumbags I'm still trying to put behind bars. I don't just get up
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cultural Protectionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Cultural Protectionism - Essay Example Conversely, other countries’ cultures are portrayed as backward, oppressive and at times, barbaric. Recently, many countries have tried to protect various cultures especially through the film industry. As expected, this has drawn varied reactions with some criticising this move while others in support of the same. This paper will analyse if movies are just like any other goods. Furthermore, it will dig out the various ways countries ought to shield respective film industries. The critics of the cultural protectionism often argue that movies are like any other commodity hence, there is no point to emphasize on the same. According to Sanson (2014), movies are just used as a form of entertainment just like other commodities that are bought by people from different countries. Baughn and Buchanan (2011) made an argument that cultural protectionism especially in the movies is unrealistic. To solidify the argument, a case of France was cited where the government tried to reduce the importation of movies but the local consumers still failed to buy the local content. As a result, it is argued that cultural protectionism is unrelated to movies. Often, in order to ensure cultural protectionism is done, governments employ the tactic of high tax for imported movies. Additionally, local film industry is funded in a bid to enable it produce more of the content the government would prefer. It is here that critics argue that this step does not guarantee protectionism because the industry would then be subjected to manipulation (Heinemann, 2012). Instead of using movies as a way of cultural protectionism, the government is urged to employ other methods. In short, these critics are arguing that the film industry has nothing to do with the issue of culture. Notwithstanding these assertions and examples provided by the critics, the proponents
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Durkheims Approach to Sociological Analysis
Durkheims Approach to Sociological Analysis Outline the main features of Durkheims approach to sociological analysis, and discuss how this may be used to understand suicide rate. Durkheim was a French positivist, with an emphasis on functionalism, which revolves around a biological analogy where in society, is seen as an organic whole with each component working to maintain the others, similar to the human body. Its main interest is seeing how these parts create a stable whole. One of the main areas of Durkheims approach is the focus on social facts, these are social phenomena and ways of thinking and behaving that restrain individuals in some manner or other and can include institutions such as the state and education. They appear from collectively formed rules and practices, be they religious or secular and are beyond our control as individuals. Because of these social facts individuals have littler or no control over their own actions, rather than constructing their own world they are directed by the system as society needs certain social behaviours and phenomena to survive. These social facts are passed on from generation to generation and shared among the individuals. From this perspective it is not individual will that drives behaviours but rather the common norms and values of society that shape ones consciousness. Not only are these types of behaviour and thinking external to the individual, but they are endued with a compelling and coercive power b y virtue of which, whether he wishes it or not, they impose themselves upon him (Durkheim, 1895 pp50). These social facts form the basis of a collective consciousness, which Durkheim sees as the body of beliefs and sentiments common to the average members of a society (Durkheim, 1893). This collective consciousness promotes solidarity, forging a common bond between individuals in a society, creating a form of order and stability. Without a form of moral consensus there would be conflict and disorder From where interest is the only ruling for each individual finds himself in a state of was with every other (Durkheim, 1973, p89) Since the collective consciousness is a social fact it too constrains individuals to act in terms of the greater good and for the good of the society and is deeply imprinted on the individual as without it there would be no society as we know it. These social facts can have problems if they regulate too much or not enough, without enough control the individual would give in to their own wants and desires, with too much they would feel repressed, inevitably both will lead to deviance, that being going against the norms and values of society. From a collective consciousness come two forms of solidarity, organic and mechanical. Organic solidarity is based upon a dependence that individuals in an advanced society place on each other. It is common among societies where the division of labor is high. Though individuals perform different tasks and often have different values and interests, the order and survival of society depends on their reliance on each other to perform their specific tasks. Mechanical solidarity on the other hand is based upon the similarities among individuals in a society, within it people feel connected through similar work, education and religious practices. It primarily exists in societies that possess a low division of labour where this is little interdependence between individuals and where there is a basic or lack of organisation and compared to societies with organic solidarity there is more value placed on religion, society and its interests and there is a greater collective consciousness and les s emphasise placed on individualism, that being where you count yourself as an individual rather than part of a group, putting yourself first etc (Haralambos 2004 pp). From organic solidarity and individualism can come anomie, this is a sense of normlessness, where norms themselves are unclear, broken down or unregulated If the rules of the conjugal morality lose their authority, and the mutual obligations of husband and wife become less respected, the emotions and appetites ruled by this sector of morality will become unrestricted and uncontained, and accentuated by this very release; powerless to fulfil themselves because they have been freed from all limitations, these emotions will produce a disillusionment which manifests itself visibly(Durkheim, 1972, p. 173) He noted that it was common in societies that possessed a less defined collective consciousness and a higher amount of individualismThe state of anomie is impossible whenever interdependent organs are sufficiently in cont act and sufficiently extensive. If they are close to each other, they are readily aware, in every situation, of the need which they have of one-another, and consequently they have an active and permanent feeling of mutual dependence.(Durkheim, 1895, p184) Imbalances in the amount of regulation caused by social facts and the amount of integration from solidarity are one of the main factors within suicide, less advanced societies having too much integration and regulation and industrial societies have too littler of either. Durkheim said that suicide was a social act, not entirely an individual one revolving around the relationships between the individual and society. He found that there was a correlation between the suicide rate and various social facts. For example he found that suicide rates were higher in protestant countries than catholic ones, he also found that there was a low rate during times of social and political upheaval due to the amount of solidarity that such events creates (Durkheim in Marsh, pp66-69). He laid out four types of suicide, depending on the degree that individuals were involved in society and on the degree that their behaviour was regulated. The four types being egoistic, anomic, altruistic and fatalistic. Egoistic suicide is common in industrial societies with high amounts of division of labour and comes from a high amount of individualism, which stems from a low amount of integration due to a weak collective consciousness from the social groups from which they originally belonged; in effect society allows the individual to escape it In this case the bond attaching man to life relaxes because that attaching himself to society is itself slack (Durkheim in Marsh pp67). This sort of suicide Durkheim said accounted for the differences of suicide rates between Protestants and Catholics, with Catholicisms demanding a higher amount of conformity, in comparison to the Protestant church that encouraged the individual to interpret the religious texts in their own way without stigma. Another type of suicide common in industrial societies is anomic which results from a low amount of regulation. It occurs when norms and values are disrupted by social change, procuring feelings of uncertainty with in the individual. Whenever serious readjustments take place in the social order, whether or not due to a sudden growth or to an unexpected catastrophe, men are more inclined to self destruction (Durkheim in K. Thompson, 1971, pp109) Durkheim found that suicide rates rose during positive as well as negative directions of social change. He noted that there was a rise after the crash of the Paris stock exchange in 1882 and the conquest of Rome in 1870 by Victor-Emmanuel which resulted in rising salaries and living standards but also a rise in the suicide rate. On the opposite side of the spectrum is altruistic suicide that comes from a high amount of integration and strong feeling of society and solid collective consciousness. This form of suicide is mostly present in pre-industrial societies who possess mechanical solidarity. This was seen as a self sacrifice for the good of the group This sacrifice then is imposed by society for social ends (Durkheim in Marsh, pp68). It is not done because it seen as the best option but more out of a sense of duty to said group. For someone to do such an act out of duty then they must have little self worth, the individual being fully submerged into a group and feeling like just a part of a greater thing, thus highly integrated. For society to be able to compel some of its members to kill themselves, the individual personality can have little value. For as soon as the latter begins to form, the right to existence is the first conceded (Ibid, pp68) Various examples of this can be seen throughout history, Vikings considers it dishonourable to die of old age or sickness and so ended their own lives to avoid social disgrace. Durkheim placed no importance on fatalistic suicide, saying that it had more place in history than in modern societies. It occurred when society restricted an individual so much that they were repressed, feeling that they had no futures or dreams. One of the major criticisms of Durkheims analysis is his concepts of integration and regulation. Durkheim gives no hint as to how one would measure integration or regulation for example he simply asks us to assume that such underlying concepts are significant in relation to the explanation of suicide. He assumes that suicidal behavior results from a deviation from normal levels of integration and regulation. We are given no idea what exactly is a normal level, so we cannot say what amount of regulation and integration is normal or abnormal (Web ref 1). However with some work, it could be possible to come up with various test relating to theses concepts, so that we could measure them among different groups in society. A second criticism is that his work on suicide is based upon official statistics from the 19th century He gives us little idea about the reliability of the source of the statistics and the methods used in recording them could not be up to scratch, some could be wrong, s ince they were hand written things could be misread and so on. Another factor is that the determination of suicide involves is process of interpretation by numerous people such as policemen, doctors, coroners etc (Ibid). In this respect, we have no real way of determining either the reliability or validity of suicide statistics. The coroner is the one who decides whether death was due to suicide or not and various factors can sway his judgment towards it not being so. The individuals verdict depends on their outlook on their work and on their outlook on suicide. Some would be thorough in the investigation whilst others would be concerned about not intruding upon the rights and feelings of the surviving relatives. For example if the victim was Catholic, since traditionally the Catholic Church view suicide as a sin, the coroner may well make his decision based on the effect that the stigma that a suicide verdict carries may have on the relatives. It is known that coroners in Catholic countries such as Italy and Mexico are more-reluctant to classify a suspicious death as suicide than coroners in non-Catholic countries. Another fact is that some countries suicide is classified as a crime, in such countries, coroners tend to be more-reluctant to classify a death as suicide than in countries where such a law does not apply, for example when suicide was illegal in Britain the punishment was that deceased property would be ceased by the state, so it would be justifiable to deem a suicide as something else to avert any more tragedy. Also where the victim was insured against death, coroners tend to be less likely to classify death as suicide than in instances where there is none, as such an act can void the coverage. One final criticism is that he does not take into look into individual action as a cause; however he does briefly acknowledge it but claims that it has no part in sociology (Ibid) Bibliography Durkheim, E (1973). Moral Education. Macmillan USA Durkheim, E (1975). On Morality and Society. revised ed. Chicago: Chicago University Press Durkheim, E (1982). The Rules of the Sociological Method. revised ed. London: The Free Press. Durkheim, E (1997). The Division of Labour in Society. revised ed. London: The Free Press Haralambos and Holborn (2004). Sociology themes and perspectives. 6th ed. London: Collin Marsh.I (1998). Classic and Contemporary Readings in Sociology. London: Pretince Hall. Thompson.K and Tunstall.J (1983). Sociological Perspectives. 9th ed. London: Penguin Books
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Current Status of the Australian Economy :: AustralianEconomics Trade Cycle Essays
The Current Status of the Australian Economy Assignment 3 A Collect, organize, present and analyse a range of data which describes the current state of the Australian economy(with respect to the trade cycle). B Describe and analyse the monetary policy stance which has been adopted by the RBA over the past 2 years. How effective is monetary policy in achieving the policy objectives of the government? Introduction Part A =================== This report contains an informed and balanced analysis of a range of data which assists in depicting the current state of the Australian economy in relation to the trade cycle. Relevant Data For various reasons, economic activity fluctuates from year to year. Periods of rising activity, output and income are called booms and periods of slower activity are called a trough. Generally when real GDP is above 4 per cent p.a. it would be considered a boom year and when there are technically, two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth it would be considered a trough or a recession. In the short term the level of economic activity fluctuates. In some years, growth is fast and business conditions are booming. In other years, the level of activity is slow, so growth in output, income and employment is also less than average. These fluctuations are called the trade cycle. There are a number of economic indicators which are useful for determining what stage of the trade cycle the Australian economy is currently in, such as Gross domestic product, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, building approvals and home loan approval, just to name a few. Changes in Aggregate Demand Changes in the level of Aggregate Demand (AD) are critical determinants of trade cycle fluctuations. GDP is the sum of consumption, investment, government purchases and net exports. Y = C + I + G + NX The following table outlines these elements and influencing factors. Elements of GDP Major factors affecting this component Consumption (C) Disposable income (Yd); interest rates (r); expectations about the future; stock of wealth. Investment (I) Past levels of profit; expectations about the futre business conditions; interest rates (r) Government expenditure Determined in accordance with government policy Net exports Determined by the interplay of C & I conditions in other countries and Australia. Output and Unemployment As Gans, King and Stonecash state, â€Å"Changes in the economy’s output of goods and services are strongly correlated with changes in the economy’s utilization of its labour forces†. Generally as Gross Domestic Product declines then the rate of unemployment rises, basically as companies produce less goods and services, they require less staff or are not employing new members, thus the number of people
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Operating Cycle
OPERATING CYCLE The way working capital moves around the business is modeled by the working capital cycle. This shows the cash coming into the business,what happens to it while the business has it and then where it goes. the term operating cycle otherwise known as â€Å"cash cycle†. In order to earn sufficient profits,a firm has to depend on its sales activities apart from others. The continuing flow from cash to suppliers,to investors,to debtors and back in cash. The time gap is technically termed as operating cycle. In other words,the duration of the time required to complete the following sequence of events,in case of a manufacturing firm,Is called operating cycle. 1)Conversion of cash into raw materials 2)Conversion of raw materials into work-in-progress 3)conversion of work-in-progress into finished goods 4)conversion of finished goods in debtors 5)conversion of debtors to cash Bewteen each stage of this working capital cycle there is time delay. For some business this will be very long where it takes them a long time to make and sell the product. They will need a substantial amount of working capital to survive. Others though may receive their cash very quickly after paying out for raw materials etc. They will need less working capital. For all businesses though they need to plan how much cash they are going to have. The best way of doing this is a CASH FLOW FORECAST. WORKING CAPITAL CYCLE From the above chart,it can be observed that the firm’s liquidity of a minifacturing firm depends an operating cycle involved in the conversion process from raw materials into finished goods and then sales into cash. In case of non-maifacturing firms,the operating cycle will include the length of the time required to convert: )Cash into inventories b)Inventories into debtors c)debtors nto cash To determine the operating cycle period,time lag associated with all the individual activities of working cycle are to be determined first. Then summing up all the individual time lags working capital cycle is to be ascertained. Determine of individual time lags are shown as follows Raw Materials Conversion Pe riod The RMCP denotes the period for which the raw materials are generally are kept in stores before it is issued to the production department. It is calculated as : RMCP= Average inventory of raw materials and stores †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Averahe daily consumption of raw materials Work-In-Progress conversion period(WPCP) It refers to the period for which the raw materials remain in the production process before it is taken out as finished products. WPCP being done in the following ways : WPCP= Average work-in-progress †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Average daily factory cost of production Finished Goods Conversion Period(FGCP) It refers to the period for which finished goods remain in stores before being sld to the customers. It is measured as : F GCP= Average stock of finished goods †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Average cost of goods sold per days Receiveable Collection Period(RCP) It is the time required to convert the credit sales into cash realizations,i. e. , the time allowed to debtors after credit sales for making the payment. RCP= Average debtors †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Average daily credit sales Payment Deferral Period(PDP) The firm may get sum credit facilities from the suppliers of raw materials,wage earners etc. As the firm enjoys credit,this period has the effect of the reducing money lock period in the operating cycle. CPP= Average creditors †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Average daily credit purchase COMPUTATION OF WORKING CAPITAL IN BIRLA CORPORATION LIMITED (Rs. In lakh) As on 31. 3. 08 As at 31. 3. 07 As at 31. 3. 06 CURRENT ASSET Inventories 20044. 82 14258. 83 10572. 33 Sundry debtors 3171. 25 2722. 47 2248. 22 Cash and Bank 3135. 65 3439. 42 5922. 59 Balances Other Current 28. 38 Assets Loans and 47311. 7 30525. 34 12442. 01 Advances †¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ TOTAL 73662. 99 50946. 06 31213. 53 LESS-CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISIONS Current Liabilities 30109. 32 24092. 95 25753. 21 Provision 73662. 99 19215. 28 4489. 21 NET WORKING CAPITAL 8246. 75 7637. 83 971. 11 [pic][pic][pic]PLEASE DO THIS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Importance of Working Capital Ratios Ratio analysis can be used by financial executives to check upon the efficiency with which working capital is being used in the enterprise. The following are the important ratios to measure the efficiency of working capital. The following, easily calculated, ratios are important measures of working capital utilization. |RATIO |FORMULAE |RESULT |INTERPRETATION | |Stock Turnover |Average Stock * |= x days |On average, you turn over the value of your entire stock | |(in days) 365/ | |every x days. You may need to break this down into | | |Cost of Goods Sold | |product groups for effective stock management. | | | | |Obsolete stock, slow moving lines will extend overall stock | | | | |turnover days. Faster production, fewer product lines, just | | | | |in time ordering will reduce average days. | |Receivables |Debtors * 365/ |= x days |It takes you on average x days to collect monies due to | |Ratio |Sales | |you. If your official credit terms are 45 day and it takes | |(in days) | | |you 65 days. | | | |One or more large or slow debts can drag out the average | | | | |days. Effective debtor management will minimize the | | | | |days. | |Payables Ratio |Creditors * 365/ |= x days |On average, you pay your suppliers every x days. If you | |(in days) |Cost of Sales (or | |negotiate better credit terms this will increase. If you pay | | |Purchases) | |earlier, say, to get a discount this will decline. If you simply | | | | |defer paying your suppliers (without agreement) this will | | | | |also increase – but your reputation, the quality of service | | | | |and any flexibility provided by your suppliers may suffer. |Current Ratio |Total Current |= x times |Current Assets are assets that you can readily turn in to | | |Assets/ | |cash or will do so within 12 months in the course of | | |Total Current | |business. Current Liabilities are mount you are due to | | |Liabilities | |pay within the coming 12 months. For example, 1. 5 times | | | | |means that you should be able to lay your hands on $1. 50 | | | | |for every $1. 00 you owe. Less than 1 times e. g. 0. 5 | | | | |means that you could have liquidity problems and be | | | | |under pressure to generate sufficient cash to meet | | | | |oncoming demands. | |Quick Ratio |(Total Current |= x times |Similar to the Current Ratio but takes account of the fact | | |Assets – Inventory)/ | |that it may take time to convert inventory into cash. | |Total Current | | | | |Liabilities | | | |Working |(Inventory + |As % |A high percentage means that working capital needs are | |Capital Ratio |Receivables – |Sales |high relative to your sales. | |Payables)/ | | | | |Sales | | | A measure of both company’s efficiency and its short-term financial health. The working capital ratio. The working capital ratio is calculated as: Positive working capital means that the company is able to pay off its short-term liabilities. Negative working capital means that a company currently is unable to meet its short term liabilities with its current assets(cash,accounts receiveable,inventory). If a company’s current asset do not exceed its current liabilities,then it may run into trouble paying back creditors in the short term. The worst case scenario is bankruptcy. A dceclining working capital ratio over a longer time period could be that the companys sale volumes are decreasing,and as a result,its accounts receiveables number continues to get smaller and smaller. Working capital also gives investors an idea of the company’s underlying operational efficiency . Money that is tied up in inventory or moey that customers still owe to the company cannot be used to pay off any of the company’s obligations. So if a company is not operating in the most efficient manner(slow collection),it will show up as an increase in the working capital. athis can be seen by comparing the wotking captal from one period to another;skow collection may signalan underlying problem in the company’s operations. FOR LIQUIDITY POSITION As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Current ratio 1. 13 1. 18 1. 3 [pic] INTERPRETATION This ratio reflects the financial stability of the enterprise. The standard of the normal ratio is 2:1 but in most of companies standard is taken according to Tandon Committee which is taken as 1. 33:1. Now if we analyze the three years data it can be predicted that it holds a stable position all through out period but it is seen that it holds a low position than the standard one and the company is required to improve its p osition. As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Quick ratio 0. 82 0. 84 0. 68 [pic] INTERPRETATION It is the ratio between quick liquid assets and quick liabilities. The normal value for such ratio is taken to be 1:1. It is used as an assessment tool for testing the liquidity position of the firm. It indicates the relationship between strictly liquid assets whose realizable value is almost certain on one hand and strictly liquid liabilities on the other hand. Liquid assets comprise all current assets minus stock. By analyzing the three years data it can be said that its position was weak in the year 2006 but itimproved significantly in the next two years and was stable during that year. But it is to be said thatit does not meet with the standard but in the year 2007 & 2008 it was very close to the standardand it can be said that its liquidity position on an average is stable. As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Working capital ratio 0. 06 0. 07 0. 01 [pic] INTERPRETATION This ratio indicates whether the investments in current assets or net current assets ( i. e. , working capital ) have been properly utilized. In order words it shows the relationship between sales and working capital. Higher the ratio lower is the investment in working capital and higher is the profitability. But too high ratio indicates over trading. This ratio is an important indicator about the working capital position. Now if we analyze the three years data, we find that it follows an increasing trend which means that its investment in working capital is lower and the company is utilizing more of its profit. But we find that ratio is increasing at a very fast rate which is not a good sign for the company and the company is required to look into these matters closely. FOR PRFITABILITY POSITION As on 31. 03. 8 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Gross profit ratio 34. 36% 31. 40% 14. 67% [pic] INTERPRETATION The gross profit margin reflects the efficiency with which management produces each unit of the product. This ratio of the gross profit to net sales of the business. This ratio gives information about the movement of stock and earning capacity of the business. A high gross profit margin ratio is a sign of good management. it increases higher sale price. As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Net profit ratio 22. 2% 20. 82% 10. 35% [pic] INTERPRETATION A net profit ratio establishes a relationship between net profit and sales and indicates management efficiency in manufacturing,administrating and selling the products. The ratio is very helpful for measuring the profitability of the business. If the net froit margin is inadequate,the firm will fail to achieve satisfactory return on shareholders fund. As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Oprating profit ratio 19% 16. 27% 3.. 50% [pic] INTERPRETATION The ratio shows the relation between the entire operating cost and net sales. It indicates the efficiency of the management in operating the business. FOR MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCY As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 Debtors turnover ratio 5. 72 days 5. 53 days 5. 79days [pic] Debtors turnover indicates the number of times of debtors turnover each year. generally the higher value of debtors turnover,the more efficiency in management credit. the shorter the average collection period,the better the quality of debtors. A short collection period implies the prompt payments by debtors. As on 31. 03. 08 As on 31. 03. 07 As on 31. 03. 07 CREDITORS TURNOVER 3. 96 days 4. 54 days 7. 72 days RATIO [pic] The ratio reveals the number of days the business or the company enjoys as credit period from its sundry creditors. A very largr credit period in this case indicates over-trading by the company. CALCULATION F MAXIMUM PERMISSABLE BANK FINANCE (MPBP) IN THE YEAR 2008 CURRENT ASSET,LOANS AND ADVANCES Inventories 20044. 82 Sundry debtors 3171. 5 Cash and bank 3135. 65 Loans and advances 47311. 27 Total 73662. 99 CURRENT LIABILITIES AND PROVISION Current liabilities 30109. 32 Provision 35306. 92 Total 65416. 24 Working capital=current assets – current liabilities = 73662. 99 – 65416. 24 = 8246. 75 Own contribution= 25% of working capital = 25% of 8246. 75 = 2061. 68 MPBF = 8246. 75 – 2061. 68 = 6185. 07
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