Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Importance of breakfast Essay
Wonder why your mom is behind you everyday insisting on having breakfast when you leave for college, school or work? Well she is right. Breakfast is important for each one of us. Let’s find out how? Breakfast which literally means breaking an overnight fast is the first meal of the day. This is the most important meal of the day. According to Ayurveda as well, food is digested best in the morning. Thus, heavy food stuffs like paranthas, laddoos, etc. can be had in the morning. This is because body is constantly using up energy during night for important body functions like pumping blood to all the parts of the body, breathing, etc. Our body is starving the entire night while we are sleeping and using up stored energy for performing the vital functions. Hence, fueling body early morning is extremely important to maintain adequate blood sugar levels and prevent the body from fatigue and tiredness entire day. Breakfast is extremely important for children and adolescents, as children who have a proper breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem solving skills and better coordination than children who skipped breakfast. Breakfast eaters are at a lower risk of gaining weight compared to those who skip breakfast. This is because breakfast reduces hunger throughout the day and these people make better choices at lunch and other meals. On the contrary, people who skip breakfast thinking they can save a few calories tend to eat more at lunch and other meals leading to weight gain. The last meal for us is dinner and the difference between dinner and breakfast is nearly twelve hours. A person who skips breakfast, for him, this duration extends up to 16 hours approximately. Our body is constantly at work and needs energy for the same. If we extend the difference between our dinner and next meal, chances are there that we might get fatigued and tired early. This affects the quality of work we do. Hence for this, breakfast is needed. Research says that people who eat breakfast have healthier diet overall. They eat healthy and make healthier choices. Those who consume breakfast cereals consume more vitamins and minerals needed for body function. Breakfast also plays a role in improving mood as complex carbohydrate cereals have a positive effect on mood. Research published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that â€Å"breakfast omission is associated with an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes in men.†Having seen the benefits of breakfast, let us check out some healthy breakfast options: †¢Oats in milk with apple. †¢Egg white omellete with chapatti and orange juice. †¢Moong cheela and milkshake. †¢Cottage cheese (paneer)/sprouts parantha with lassi (low fat and sugar). †¢Broken wheat dalia/lapsi and buttermilk alongwith a fruit. †¢Oil free ragi idli/dosa with sambhar alongwith a fruit. Breakfast provides essential nutrients so that you can start off your day well and stay energetic throughout. Skipping breakfast will have detrimental effect on health in the long run. So, eat your breakfast wisely and stay energetic! Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? A good breakfast provides the nutrients that people need to start their day off right. Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not. Studies also show a link between participation in the School Breakfast Program and improved academic performance and psycholsocial behavior. Children who eat a good breakfast tend to perform better in school, and have a better attendance and decreased hyperactivity. Children who don’t eat breakfast tend to perform not as well, and also tend to have behavior problems such as fighting, stealing, and not listening to their teachers (Dr. Ronald Kleinman, Harvard Medical School). The School Breakfast Program provides a nutritious meal to children who might otherwise not eat breakfast, and is designed to provide children with one-fourth of their daily nutrients. This program offers fruit, cold cereal and milk daily, and some Coldwater Schools buildings also offer a variety of hot dishes like breakfast pizza, pancake wraps, and oatmeal. If your child eats breakfast at home, choose a breakfast with milk, fruit and cereal(grain product). These three foods can provide for a good breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast does not need to take a lot of time. In the next column you will find some quick and healthy breakfast ideas. The importance of breakfast Everyone knows that the key to successful weight loss is a combination of regular exercise, healthy eating and a positive mind. There’s no point working out five days a week if you’re going to give in to temptation and inhale three kebabs and a packet of Tim Tams when you get home. Healthy eating doesn’t necessarily mean dieting, it refers instead to eating sensible, balanced amounts of the right foods at the right times – and that includes a good breakfast. There’s a reason why people have said for many years that â€Å"breakfast is the most important meal of the day†. After six, seven or eight hours – if you’re lucky – of sleep, your body and brain need some fuel to power and prepare them for the day ahead. Like a car, you can’t run on an empty tank, you need some petrol. It’s a well known fact that people who eat breakfast lose more weight than people who don’t and this is due to several reasons : 1.Breakfast provides the energy your body requires in order to perform activities. Therefore, you’re not so tired and can do more. 2.It kickstarts the body into producing the enzymes needed to metabolise fat, helping to shed the pounds. 3.Eating a good breakfast keeps you full for longer and may make you less likely to reach for snacks. In addition, breakfast is generally good for you. Those who eat breakfast are 50 per cent less likely, according to US researchers, to have blood sugar problems. Consequently, they have a decreased risk of developing diabetes or having high cholesterol levels which could lead to heart disease. Also, some breakfast foods such as grains, seeds and dried fruit provide vitamins and minerals that are hard to find in other foods. People who don’t eat breakfast often complain that it’s â€Å"too early†to eat or that they don’t have time in the morning. Paltry excuses! Ways to rectify this include not eating too late the evening before, going to bed earlier or eating breakfast on the train/ bus on the way to work. Who wouldn’t want to eat breakfast with such an array of delicious morning munchies options available? Uninspired? Try some of these: Make your own muesli by toasting some oats, then adding seeds, nuts and fruit as desired. Slice a banana on top, garnish with blueberries and pour on some yoghurt . This high fibre option will keep you full until lunchtime and the nutrients derived from the seeds, nuts and fruit will do all sorts of good. Alternatively, how about blasting lots of lovely fruit up into a smoothie, which you could drink on the way to work? Smoothies are far more filling than you might imagine and allow you to be really creative. Experiment with flavour combinations, thin out a little with water, milk, fruit juice or low-fat yoghurt and enjoy. For traditionalists, two slices of wholemeal bread with a scraping of butter and some Vegemite or a bowl of whole-grain cereal is fine. Top with honey or dried fruit for sugar and splash over some semi-or skimmed milk to reduce the refined sugar and fat content. To say breakfast is the â€Å"most important†meal of the day underplays how significant it really is. Providing energy, nutrients and warding off chronic conditions, can you really afford not to eat it? mproved Grades Eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and achievement scores in students, especially in younger children. According to a study published in the journal â€Å"Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,†students who increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. As an added benefit, the group of students who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness and absences. Increased Concentration Students who eat a low-glycemic, balanced breakfast may have better concentration and more positive reactions to difficult tasks than students who eat a carbohydrate-laden breakfast. According to research published in â€Å"Physiology and Behavior,†students given a low-glycemic breakfast were able to sustain attention longer than children given a high-glycemic breakfast. Children following the low-glycemic breakfast plan also had improved memory and fewer signs of frustration when working on school tasks. Try old-fashioned oatmeal with a handful of walnuts or some scrambled eggs with spinach, peppers and a sprinkle of cheese. Weight Maintenance Eating breakfast regularly may also help students maintain a healthy weight. According to a study published in â€Å"Public Health Nutrition,†children who skipped breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality than children who ate breakfast every day. This led to increased body mass index, or BMI, measurements. Considerations While eating any breakfast is better than skipping breakfast altogether, some choices are better than others. Carbohydrate-only breakfasts, such as bagels and toast, can give energy for one to two hours, while complete breakfasts that contain a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates can keep blood sugar levels steady for hours, according to Try some toast with peanut butter and a piece of fruit or cereal with milk and glass of 100 percent fruit juice. If you have time, make an omelet with cheese, broccoli and some turkey bacon.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Unfair Trade Practices
Unfair Trade Practices – Hoarding, destruction or refusal to sell. The Unfair Trade practices include cases of hoarding, destruction of or refusal to sell, goods or services. Clause (5) says that a practice will be unfair if it permits the hoarding or destruction of goods, or refusal to sell the goods or to provide any services if such conduct is intended to raise or has the effect of raising the cost of those or other similar goods or services. Loss or damage: It is not necessary for restraining an unfair trade practices that the complainant should have suffered some loss, damage or prejudice.Such consequences can be compensated in addition to the cease and desist order. 1>Hoarding: Hoarding is a moral term meaning taking more than one's fair share of goods. Hoarding of goods with an intention to raise cost is considered as unfair trade practice as the consumer has to pay extra to buy the goods or services. Hoarding was a prevalent practice where traders and middlemen used to hoard essential goods and wait for their prices to peak. Once that is done they used to make huge profits by selling it at high prices.As soon as the traders get a heads up that the production of a particular good has been short they used to hoard it. Recently when there was a shortage of Sugar and Onion production a lot of traders hoarded the goods and made things worse for the common man by further increasing the prices. Other examples of Hoarding are seen in speculative buying of property and goods. This tends to drive up the price of property and goods costing the public more money for the basic necessities of life and lowering slightly the quality of their lives by denying them the satisfaction of finding affordable deals they can buy.Hoarding is also prevalent in the IT industry, for e. g. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) created the Internet domain name system. So domain names were once freely available to buy on the internet from domain name r egistrars. But savvy business investors saw this opportunity to buy these inexpensive domain names in bulk. So, it is not uncommon to find investors holding ten thousand domain names. More commonly people own a hundred to five hundred names. Because of this the cost of domain names has increased. ; Destruction of goods and services. Destroy or cause destruction of goods in order to reduce supply to be less than demand is also an unfair trade practice according to the MRTP Act 1969. Business operators are also prohibited from performing any unfair act which results in â€Å"the destruction, damage, obstruction, hindrance or restriction of the operation of other business operator in order to prevent other business operator from operating business or to cause him to dissolve his business†.For e. g. there was a case where one famous soft drink manufacturer used to indulge in collecting its competitor’s empty bottle from shops and retail stores and destroy them in order to cause loss and disruption in the supply of the competitor’s product to the consumers. 3; Refusal to sell goods and services. Refusal to supply goods to a genuine customer with the right consideration with an intention to raise cost also falls under the MRTP Act.It is well-known that many of the traders having advance information, or on speculation regarding the rise in the price of different goods, in order to avail the increase in the price, withhold the supply of different goods or articles to the consumers. In this process they cause loss or damage to consumers by making them to pay the excess price which they would not have been compelled to pay, if the goods or articles had been supplied in time. General Case studies on Unfair Trade Practices Case 1: Misleading Advertisements M/s. Cox & Kings (I) Pvt. Ltd. v. Joseph A.Fernandes, I (2006) CPJ 129 (NC), (RP No. 366/2005, decided on 20-12-2005). In a case where Mr. and Mrs. Fernandes had booked a tour from Bangalore to Sing apore-Malaysia and back with the Company, Cox & Kings. Tour from Singapore to Malaysia and back by cruise handled by Star Cruise Services for which the couple had been charged as â€Å"For Two nights/three days cruise†. The Star cruises confirmation voucher given to the couple, however, mentioned the embarkation and disembarkation timings as â€Å"Leave Singapore at 23. 59 hours on 17. 04. 2002 and arrive at Singapore on 19. 4. 2002. †The complainants submitted that according to the timings given by Cox & Kings, the cruise was only for two nights and one and a half days whereas it was advertised as 2 nights/3 days cruise. Cox & Kings knew very well that the cruise actually lasts only for one and a half days but they had falsely advertised that it was for 3 days. Cox and Kings Pvt. Ltd. deliberately timed the departure of the cruise at 11. 59 pm i. e. one minute short of midnight and counted that one minute as one full day. This was nothing short of outright cheating b y the Company.The claim of the Cox & Kings that issuance of such advertisement is a universal practice compelled the Commission to condemn the practice even in stronger terms. It was held that, this practice by them was not only a case of misrepresentation through misleading advertisement but also an unfair trade practice in the eyes of Consumer Protection Act and the Commission directed Cox & Kings to pay Rs. 25,000/- as compensation and ordered not to publish such misleading advertisement. Observations: This is a case of misrepresentation through misleading advertisement.The company advertised that it was a 3 days and 2 nights tour but it turned out to be a 2 nights and 1 and half day tour. The company had to pay compensation as it had given wrong information to its customers. Case 2: Delay in delivering the product. Tata Engineering Locomotive Co. Ltd. v. John Jacob, II (2006) CPJ 105 (NC), (RP No. 1079 of 1998, decided on 4-4-2006). The Complainant booked a TATA Sumo by paying a n advance and paid the entire consideration after being informed that the vehicle was ready for delivery within a particular time. The delivery of the vehicle was delayed for another three months and the company collected Rs. 8,344/- on the ground that there was hike in the excise duty. The Complainant Jacob collected the vehicle under protest and gave a notice to the Company which was not replied to. It was seen that without any justifiable reason the Company had recovered excise duty and litigated for years together regarding the same. The Company could not disclose when the vehicle was released from the factory. TELCO could not bring in the evidence as to whether they actually paid Rs. 38,344/- on this vehicle or whether it was really released from the factory before Tariff Amendment Act came into force.National Commission issued a direction to TELCO to discontinue such unfair trade practice and not repeat the same in future and directed the dealer also to be warned of the same. The amount was refunded with 12% rate of interest from 30. 09. 1996 till the date of payment and also an amount of Rs. 25,000/- was awarded as costs. Observations: Telco not only delivered the product 3 months after the promised date they also increased the price of the product on the grounds of hike in the exercise duty. The customer had to pay extra for no fault of his. This would also come under unfair trade practices.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Aurora Leigh and The Odyssey
Aurora Leigh and The Odyssey Essay In Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Aurora Leigh the conquest of the feminine is present, though its form ridiculed and its male perpetrators abased so that some measure of equity between the sexes can be achieved. Not present is the one sided subjugation which features prominently in The Odyssey, for in her adaptation of the epic form, the now female protagonist conquers and is subtly conquered herself. The Odyssey presents masculine heroism (partially) predicated on the oppression of women; for a hero to even project some semblance of authority, he must be the master of his home. The home however is the domain of women and thus the inference is made ad hoc ergo propter hoc. Odysseus conquers both mortal (Penelope) and immortal (Circe) women, while conquering (resisting) the lure of the Sirens. Even the goddess Athena is enamoured with his wit and wily charm, sending aid or bringing it in person. Thus the whole of the feminine world, both perceived and sublime is at his command, either directly or indirectly conquered. All the women he conquers make the hero, pushing him to his greatest potential. They instil in him courage, ambition and humility, and are thus integral Odysseus very being a hero. The Greek ideal of the hero therefore bases itself on dominion over the female sex. Telemachus follows this path also, for no hero he would be if he had not established social order at home with his mother, nor hanged the treacherous maids. Elizabeth Barrett Browning shows women as able in their own right however. No longer are they confined to womanly chores, but can be artists, intellectuals, they can succeed in the ultimate domain of men. A full and willing surrender to fate is not in order, the protagonist and hero or Aurora Leigh being both headstrong and female. Both the baser, in Lady Waldemar and pure, in Mariam sides of womanly nature are shown. It can be inferred that Browning means to caution while promoting freedom, for some human instincts must be controlled. Female strength however, is sometimes found in the most unlikely of places, among the denizens of brothels and hovels, in Mariam. She, having been abandoned by Romney, denies him marriage when he returns many years later proposing this. Thus Browning alters form, in her poetic justice, Romney must be rebuked, and soundly so. Another Greek dogma is abandoned with her differentiating between love and rape, love being an entity that cannot be forced upon one party. Aurora is her own woman, writing poetry for a living, and even acting as a benefactor to Mirian, a decidedly male role. Love is not conquest, nor conquest love she says: When we learn to lose ourselves, and melt like white pearls in anothers wine , equating love with a soft stupor, yet one for the better, where the self of one becomes the whole of two. Aurora struggles to assert herself, yet does so, even though the hostile forces of her aunt and Romney try to hold her back. The departure from the style of The Odyssey however is not complete, Browning muses that no epic of true value and meaning can Aurora write, museless as she is (without Romney). She finds her poetic inspiration reconciling love and her poetry (a symbol of her independence); feminist thought was not so radical in Brownings time. However, there is a clause to be fulfilled for the reconciliation to be fulfilled, Romney, once so strong and sure of himself, must be humbled. He previously sought to double himself in what he loves, and make his drink more costly by our pearls This train of thought was however equivalent to the Odysseian archetype and thus cannot be upheld in Brownings epic; change is in her opinion necessary. Aurora acknowledges her own weakness in love, and succumbs to it, but is self-critical in doing so, realising her own folly. Portraying Aurora so, Browning can be considered an early feminist, and her thought radical for her age. However, she also meant to comment on Victorian society, and its hypocritical views on women and the home. READ: Characteristics of an epic hero EssayHers was the age of Victoria, of prudish behaviour, where one slip, one impropriety meant ones end. Yet at the same time, there was a surplus of women, and as often follows, a proliferation of prostitution. Marian herself becomes one, but Browning meant her not to be viewed as vile, but rather with compassion. Society made the woman, and her strength in persevering should be glorified rather than her actions vilified. In Brownings narrative, it is not only the women who are humbled, but also the men. Romney did not see clearly what Aurora deserved, and thus he is blinded literally so that he can accept and acknowledge what she means to him. He mistook his own heart, and that slip was fatal , as did Aurora, and thus they both conquer each other, entering a relationship of equals. The feminine is conquered in Aurora Leigh, but not in the sense that it was in The Odyssey. Women as heroes can agree to be conquered, once both they and their lovers have grown morally, and shed the false skin that is the collection of judgements society makes of them, and in turn expects them to believe.
Julia Alvarez, How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent Response Essay
Julia Alvarez, How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent Response - Essay Example The girls are born to a very influential Spanish family which lives in the Dominican Republic. Due to the strong opposition of the girls’ father to the political dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, which prevailed in their homeland, the family manages to immigrate to America. The story revolves around their feelings as immigrants, the problems faced by them, the dilemmas they go through as immigrants where they had to let go of the memories of their past and try to adjust in a new life and culture which did not particularly match theirs. In many of the book reviews that I have read, it has been written that the novel is inspired from Julia Alvarez’s personal life, which can be a possible reason for her very realistic outlook on the problems faced by immigrants. I myself felt that there were many aspects of the book that I could relate to as an individual. As with the previous book â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God,†love plays a very important role in this book as well. The central character is Yolanda narrates a considerable part of the story. In one chapter of the book she narrates her experiences as a college student. Her major was English which was challenging for her because in her class of English majors many were native speakers of the language and many of the phrases which they spoke were difficult for her to understand.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 29
Leadership - Essay Example An organization needs to develop its policies and plans in such a way which will encourage its employees in increasing the productivity of the company. The HR professional of the company have to understand the type of human resources available in China. Based on that, the HR professionals should design the organizational rules and policies. Culture of people plays a vital role in developing business process of the company in China. The HR professionals should understand the issues which motivate the Chinese people for working in a foreign company. In China, people tend to work together (Price, 2011). Collectivism is high among the people. For this reason HR should make the rules which are equal for all. This will motivate Chinese people in delivering effective work. The recruitment of Chinese people will be based on merit. Effective training will be provided to them for understanding the business process of the company. The major issues of the HR professionals in China will be building relationship with Chinese people. Chinese people follow their culture very strongly. Being a foreign company the HR professionals have to deal with the Chinese employees in an efficient way so that their cultural values and thoughts do not get hampered. Understanding the mind set of Chinese employees will also be a tough challenge for the company. The mind set and believes of Chinese people is very much different from American people. For this reason the Chinese people might not feel comfortable in working in a foreign company. Communicating with the Chinese employee will be a difficult task for the organization (Price, 2011). The HR professionals need to know Chinese language for communicating with Chinese people. Moreover the communication styles of this people are very much different from the people of other cultures which the HR persons of the company have to understand. The firm has to do many things for expanding its business in China. For making the business
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Research methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Research methods - Essay Example A. Despite criticism, relevance of research philosophy for business and management cannot be denied, as this is the most valuable tool to evaluate performances against set targets and goals. For any business to succeed and for any management to be in control, use of both qualitative (positivist) and qualitative (post-positivist) concepts is unavoidable. Both Methods and Methodology are applied to predict various business metrics and this would not be possible without use of this philosophy in business. A. Research is a systematic inquiry reported in form of Analysis and Predictions. Quantitative and Qualitative research are strategies. Method refers to the research tactics used in the conduct of a research effort. Together they validate the data and bring forth true fact about this profit. For example the success or failure of any business is usually judged by the bottom line. But profit alone is unable to display the health of a business. In the absence of research these numbers will hide the ailments Thisis the real value that managements look for. The Discourse theory in contrast believes that all objects and actions are meaningful, however the perception of meaningfulness is not constant and is multi-dimensional as a result research may take diametrically opposite directions. A. It is natural in any research project to intentionally look for relevant material for the subject under research. During this endeavor there arises a need to quote the content to add depth or meaning to the effort. However it is important to observe the ethics of such quotations to avoid plagiarism or copyright infringement, as the case may be. Both are punishable acts under law as well as abhorred at all levels. A. Philosophies, or more accurately Philosophical Theories, offer a structured approach to finding answers on all events that keep occurring
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Relationship Between Political Stability and Economic Growth Essay
The Relationship Between Political Stability and Economic Growth - Essay Example This paper questions the widely accepted role of political stability in promoting the growth of the economy. Political stability in any country may offer a peaceful environment for investment to take place. In addition to this, the stability may also provide a good ground where impunity is tolerated. Stable governance and politics are by no doubt a means through which economic growth takes place. With a peaceful political environment, the government can formulate its agendas. Good investing policies attract investors in the country and makes citizens willing to work hard and improve the country’s economic growth. It is seen that democracy in developed and developing countries foster the growth in the economy compared to the countries that are non-democratic. It can be argued that stability in politics of any nation can affect the rate at which the country’s economic growth takes place. In addition to this, the level of investment can be altered through increasing the confidence level of investors in that country. The democratic effect on investment is only tentative. In countries where political stability is practiced, a direct economic growth is realized through positive effect on the rates of investments. Investors will only invest their resources in a country where peace exists, and they are assured of their properties. In contrast to this, economists and investors refer to political instability as a malaise that has a serious harm to the economic growth of the nation. Irrespective of the political regimes, if a country is stable and does not worry about the radical changes of regimes and conflicts, the citizens do concentrate on working hard in running their businesses, saving and investing in other economic activities.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Guillain-Barr Syndrome Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Guillain-Barr Syndrome - Article Example In his research, acute pharyngeal-cervical-brachial type of GBS, masquerading brainstem stroke in a child, Syed (2012) seeks to analyze the symptoms of a child who is admitted in the hospital with difficulty feeding and left arm weakness after gastroenteritis case. In the case report, the child had normal milestones and compromised respiratory system muscles. Even after symptomatic treatment, the lower motor neuron paralysis and the poor pharyngeal response persisted leading to assisted feeds through gastric tubes. Administration of intravenous immunoglobulin reversed the condition and follow-up done. After one month, the child could feed and exhibit good motor response. Such research is a level one research. There is minimal build up, and initial research done to solidify the consistency of the findings. Additionally, there is formation of hypotheses that are subject to more rigorous testing in level two research. Despite utilizing a single case study, the research findings have a m oderate degree of reliability. The researcher was rigorous in analysis of the management of the client from admission to discharge and follow-up. He analyses the information without leaving any questionable gaps. The research findings are hence reliable (Syed, 2012). The second-research article seeks to experiment and establish the various subtypes of GBS among children. The researchers had a core objective of digging out the clinical and electrophysiological patterns of GNS among children with utility of cerebrospinal fluid and nerves motor response. The research was a prospective study. The researchers did collect pertinent information from clients with GBS diagnosis for a period of 7 years. 108 patients were in use during the research. The sample population did consist of both genders. The findings did indicate that the peak age for the condition establishment the sample population was 3 to 6.5 years. Infants also did possess he
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Structure of Computer Forensic Report using FTK imager Case Study
The Structure of Computer Forensic Report using FTK imager - Case Study Example The main individuals involved in this feud are the two co-founders or owners of the company. Apparently there was a string of mailing and communication between these individuals which eventually led to the leaking of the private company information. Since most communication and file exchanges are conducted via email, the network was then prone to compromise given the unprofessional and lack of secured system. As the founders of the company, the two main involved individuals, that is, Alison Smith and Jean are in difficult terms since both parties claim there was a communication between them that led to the release and exposure of the private company information. The CEO, Alison is the paramount who authorized the investigation to be carried out to facilitate the troubleshooting and identification of the origin of the communication and email threads that eventually led to the information leak. The examination of Jeans computer media was essential in the investigation given that was the origin of the spreadsheet document. The forensic examination would eventually aid in the finding of conclusive data as to why and how the data ended up on the competitors web page. The findings gotten from the examination were essentially positive and offered conclusive information regarding the events that led to the information leak. Jean had to grant permission for investigators and auditors to go via his computer emails to be able to examine the email signature blocks and headers. The thread in the email conversations retrieved from Jeans computers display the source of the intrusion within the system that led to the compromise of company information. Below is the email message signature block displaying where the information was actually sent by Jean with thought and assumption hat she was communicating with her co-worker and company founder,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Commitment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Commitment - Assignment Example Ted has had a demanding, but well paid job in a corporate finance firm but he and his wife Kate has decided to move to St. Louis to start a much more demanding, but poorly paying job as a personal finance advisor. However, the timing of the decision was wrong as the finance sector is going down. The job environment is not favorable. Small businesses are closing by the day; people in corporate world are loosing jobs. Ted and Kate are face with a decision to make: abandon the new job and go back to the old one (work in corporate finance); keep the job and embrace the â€Å"success†ethics of the personal finance advisor world; or keep the job and stick to their ethical convictions. The onus lies with Ted to make a decision, but he could also escalate it. Though Kate is not the decision-maker per se, she has a part to play. Now, Ted has a potentiality to be an exceptional advisor coupled with his moral scope and intellectual versatility. Projections of a vast client-base future with flexible and friendly schedule dominate the discourses of both of them. However, his vast knowledge and admirable ethics sees him sidelined as others in his field with unworthy morals and less knowledge are quite a success. Doing what is right for his clients as against what puts money in the pocket seems to be disadvantageous; only a few of such people get a lucky breakthrough. The non-rational escalation of commitment may occur where both Ted and Kate decides to keep Ted’s new job. This will not be so much as a result of the quest for success as the quest not to loss sunk cost. Thus, judgmental bias will facilitate this escalation. Although Ted recognizes that an initial poor choice has been made, impression management could lead him to embracing the â€Å"success†ethics of his sector which may pose a potential ethical issue. More so, Kate seems to be unfair in supporting the decision of Ted to remain
Opportunities and Challenges of Having Access to a Broader Workforce Essay Example for Free
Opportunities and Challenges of Having Access to a Broader Workforce Essay Question: a) Discuss the opportunities and challenges of having access to a broader workforce. Answer: The Workforce is the total number of a countrys population employed in the armed forces and civilian jobs, plus those unemployed people who are actually seeking paying work. In other words, workforce also refers to Total number of employee (usually excluding the management) on an employers payroll. It may also mean all those that are available for work. Workers may be unionized, whereby the union conducts negotiations regarding pay and conditions of employment. In the event of industrial unrest, unions provide a coordinating role in organizing ballots of the workforce, and strike action. As the world becomes globalize, the workforce in industries/companies become diversifies. The broader workforce make up from employees that come from different age groups, race, beliefs, gender etc. Opportunities Provide training on core competencies Devise training is needed to address the needs of different levels of workers, including training directed at entry-level and less skilled staff, workers with degrees not directly relevant to afterschool, and workers pursuing credentials. We cannot afford to ignore the workers who stay only a short time or work part-time, because they make up too large a portion of our workforce. They need some minimum level of knowledge in the core competencies required to work in afterschool programs. Moreover, providing training and supporting pursuit of a credential is an excellent way to foster an attachment to the field. Expand Quality training and professional development opportunities Quality training and professional development opportunities are needed to be expanded for all workers, including encouraging programs to give workers paid time off to attend training. Another need is for approaches such as distance learning to increase access to training in rural areas. We also should establish a core group of high quality, recognized, and approved trainers and promote ways to share the knowledge of experienced afterschool staff, for example, through mentoring younger staff. Provide afterschool/youth work content in higher education curricula We need to work with institutions of higher education to provide more course work relevant to youth work and afterschool that could be accessed by workers and students pursuing credentials or a degree. We also need to work with these institutions to address the needs of the adult learners in our workforce who would be candidates for these courses. Advocate for funding for training and professional development Policymakers at all levels need to provide more funding specifically for training and professional development for afterschool staff through supports such as scholarships and loan forgiveness. In advocating for such funding, the afterschool field needs to highlight the connection between positive outcomes for children and youth in afterschoolâ€â€a goal endorsed by policymakersâ€â€and the qualifications of the staff that provide afterschool services. Provide human resources staff with the training and resources they need to recruit and hire Although the focus of this project and resulting report is on the current afterschool workforce, it’s difficult not to consider the need for effective recruiting and hiring techniques in afterschool programs. A program’s workforce begins with, and its success reflects, the recruiting and hiring of employees who are adequately matched to a program’s core competencies and needs. Challenges Developing specific strategies for reaching the target populations There are people 18- 59 years old in the population who are all needed in the workplace and who need the education/training to take advantage of the opportunity it provides. The challenge is to develop marketing campaigns and services that focus on each of these groups, their specific education/training needs, and their need for user friendly access, delivery, and support systems. Further, there are significant shifts in the gender, ethnicity, and work experience within these populations. Studying these shifts identifies targeted opportunities for increased participation and support. The lack of clear, systemic, and complete information continues to be one of the major barriers to these populations. Several recent studies suggest the lack of useful labor market information contribute to the lack of participation. Developing a series of strategic alliances with business/industrial associations, professional associations, and assessment organizations Education curriculum and competency standards are no longer within the sole domain of the academy. Such areas as education content, achievement, and application are all reflections of constant evolutions in the world external to higher education. It is no longer possible for free standing independent education and training organizations to unilaterally maintain currency with the rapidly changing demands of the new economy. Curriculum is no longer fixed, singular, or limited in scope. Competency standards are evolving at increasing rates as are the related assessments. Further, the expansion of multiple employer related delivery options as well as the growth in industry recognized credentials suggest the need for formal alliances with external partners. Employer Associations Three fundamental shifts have shaken the employer world: 1) the rapid changes in technology and productivity and the resulting impact on workforce skills, 2)the dramatic shift in demographics with the loss of skilled workers and the lack of skilled entrants, and 3) the difficulty identifying effective educational ‘pipelines’ for skilled applicants. Both employers and educators are looking to industrial associations as partners in developing the definition of new skills and competencies, the related curriculum, the required assessments and, the resulting credentials. The move towards alignment (tuning) is increasingly dependent on association partnerships. Effective associations will have systems of continuous improvement that will ensure alignment between their education and training partners as well as their employer membership. This communication system opens up the pipeline for skilled workers and provides a communication system for internships, work based learning, and ultimate support for placement of graduates within the industry. The primary purpose of these alliances is to ensure both the continuous alignment and portability of academic content and outcomes with the constantly changing expectations of both the employer and academic world. Industry Recognized Certifications (IRC) Opportunities for more formal alliances occur with associations that sponsor formal industry certifications. These offer industry recognition of credentials and their accompanying competencies. They offer the individual portability of their recognized credentials and the institution a means of aligning curriculum, competencies, and assessments. An exceptional opportunity exists in providing academic credit to students enrolled in programs resulting in industry recognized certifications. Students engaged in technical training would be more inclined to stay in a program if they receive industry recognized credentials as well as specific credits toward academic or technical Associate degrees. This creates a unique prospect to engage students in seamless system of lifelong continuous learning. The prospects for long term strategic alliances with industry associations are enormous and offer great marketing benefits. Alliances with Professional and International Organizations Forming strategic alliances with professional organizations and accreditors ensures both alignment of curricula and outcome standards as well as ensuring the portability of the credits and credentials. These alliances are becoming increasingly recognized as significant pipelines for qualified professional applicants and they offer exceptional marketing opportunities to both student applicants and industry. Development of a ‘One Stop’ access to the new economy A ‘one stop centers’ is needed for individuals to: 1) get labor market information about high wage/high growth industries, 2) obtain available skill standards and/or IRC’s, 3) accredit their past training, education, and experience, 4) gain advice and counseling on entering post secondary education, 5) receive assistance with entrance to recognized academic and training programs, and, 6) get assistance with placement within the industry. The major problem with the labor market adjustment system in the United States is a completely bifurcated and user unfriendly information, counseling, advising, crediting, accessing, financing, and education/training system. Both the unemployed, re-entering adults and first time students are highly mobile learners who are looking for the access portal to the new economy. Stagnate outdated agencies, policies and systems are simply incapable of delivering such services. It is time to develop a new on-line system that would ensure all citizens ongoing and easy access to understandable and timely job matches, labor market information, and credentials needed for the new economy. All post secondary institutions have a unique opportunity to participate in the building of this broader set of services into a publically transparent system. Ability to offer, give a perception of and have the reputation of providing a ‘Guarantee’ This is the outgrowth of the need to close the loop between employers, students, and educators. The primary question is: does the institutions system of identified learning outcomes meet the academic and technical standards of the new economy and, then, does it ‘ensure’ that every graduate meets those standards? This means establishing standards, curriculum, and assessments that achieve these levels and ensuring that every graduate meets them. When substandard performance is recognized there is a system of remediation and ultimately the failure to graduate if the student simply cannot meet the institutional standards. Some would add that for any student hired which the employer believes does not meet the standard, the school would take them back and remediate them at no cost. While this would come with a cost, it is far more important to develop a reputation with employers for producing graduates that meet the industry standards for tomorrow’s economy. While this important for employers, it is imperative for students who want to be certain that the education/training they are engaged in will in fact prepare them for the new economy. Action on this challenge represents a fundamental shift away from the old system of ‘education opportunity’. For the future, it is about highly mobile students accessing a system that ‘ensures’ their achievement of the competencies required for the new economy. America’s exceptionally diverse post secondary education system has the capacity and commitment to implement this new relationship. (b) What extend Malaysia has benefited and also able to develop own Knowledge worker. The Malaysian labor force is generally educated. This is because youths who enter the labor market would have undergone at least 11 years of schooling. Furthermore, the proportion of labor force with secondary and tertiary education has risen over the years, making them easier to be trained and to learn new skills. Nonetheless, it has been argued that there is a shortage of skilled labor in Malaysia. This shortfall in skilled labor was believed to be one of the causes for the tightness in the Malaysian labor market during the 1980s and 1990s, alongside a mismatch between demand for and supply of labor. Malaysia’s response to this matter is one of the reasons for the nation’s focus on human capital development in recent years. Since the mid-1990s, Malaysia has entered into a phase where new emphasis and demand for high technology and knowledge-based industries were in place. A change in the Malaysian economic policies was, therefore, needed in order to maintain the nation’s competitiveness. Knowledge-based economy is defined as one that is â€Å"directly based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge and information†¦ towards growth in high technology investments, high-technology industries, more highly skilled labor and associated productivity gains†. Malaysia adopted this definition into its Knowledge-based Economy Master Plan, which defines a knowledge-based economy as â€Å"an economy where knowledge, creativity and innovation play an ever-increasing and important role in generating and sustaining growth†. The Master Plan was developed to provide a strategic framework outlining the required changes to the fundamentals of the Malaysian economy. Since the concept of a knowledge-based economy revolves around knowledge and information as the key contributors to economic growth and development, the move towards a knowledge-based economy is expected to provide Malaysia with the necessary competitiveness in order to achieve a developed nation status and meet the objectives of Vision 2020. Several reasons were given as to why Malaysia should move into the knowledge-based economy. First, the nation has lost its global competitiveness in attracting FDI when it fell from the 18th place in 1994 to the 29th spot in 2001, as reported the World Competitiveness Yearbook (IMD, various years). Related to this is the increasing competition for the country’s products from other developing countries, such as China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia that enjoy cheaper labor and more abundant resources. This is especially true in the case of China, where it has been reported that cheaper and equal quality goods from this new economic power, mainly in labor intensive textiles, would bring about stiff competition to Malaysia’s export goods in its domestic and international markets. Third, Malaysia’s economic policies have been affected by globalization and liberalization as barriers and protective walls that help sustain local industries are slowly removed and brought down. As a result, Malaysia, like all other developing economies will have to search for new products and services that are feasible in the emerging global market where the distinction between local and world markets is gradually disappearing. Such goods and services like aircraft, pharmaceuticals, ecommerce, tourism and educational services and ICT industries are common in the knowledge-based industries. Fourth, as Malaysia strives to become a developed nation by the year 2020, this would result in its current edge in producing goods and services for the global market, which hinges on low wages, to be eroded. This is because its cost levels would approach those of developed countries. To face this anticipated escalating labor cost, Malaysia needs to ensure higher value is added to its products in order for its industries to remain viable. Thus, for Malaysia to be competitive, it must produce goods and services to compete at comparable levels as those in developed countries. Again, such high value-added is generally provided by knowledge-based industries. Fifth, Malaysia needs to move into more profitable and wealth-generating stages of production. In other words, it has to make its manufacturing sector more profitable. To do so, Malaysian firms have little choice but to move into the pre- production stage (which includes product conceptualization, research and design, prototyping etc) and/or post-production stage (packaging, branding, marketing, retailing etc) of manufacturing, because there is less profit to be made from the core production process. These pre- and post-production stages also happen to be more knowledge-intensive compared to the existing core production process stage. Sixth, Malaysia needs to find new sources of growth in its economy as the old sources of growth have become less productive. A knowledge-based economy will provide some of these new sources of growth to enable Malaysia to sustain growth and dynamism. Finally, Malaysia needs to improve the contribution of the â€Å"total factor productivity†(TFP) in terms of improving the quality of workers, methods of doing things and other delivery activities (EPU, 2002: 5). To what extend do Malaysia able to develop own knowledge worker? Education: At the primary and secondary levels, some of the indicators for quality that tend to raise concerns have to do with the teaching profession, the curriculum, and the grading of schools. The most serious concern is that of teacher recruitment, salary, career path, work load and training. These concerns have discouraged many potentially good teachers from joining the profession. As regards the school curriculum, there are two sets of issues. The first has to do with content. The second set of issues deals with implementation of the curriculum, classroom size, expertise of teachers and courseware development. Overcrowding in urban schools can impede teaching and learning, including the effective delivery of the curriculum. At the tertiary level, concerns centre mainly on the issues of research, resources, faculty qualifications, and the quality of output. Some public institutions are not keen on being assessed and ranked by an external body. Consequently these institutions become less aw are of their weaknesses. This lack of awareness about their performance does not contribute to accountability. The public requires detailed information on the performance of various institutions in order to have confidence in them. In terms of the use of ICT, the largest provider for programmes in schools is the government, mainly the Ministry of Education (MOE). MIMOS, MDC and the private sector, including parent-teacher associations, are also involved. Some observations are made on the current trends and development of the ICT programmes in schools: ââ€" ª At this stage, ICT programmes at the school level are still heavily centered on infrastructure or procurement of hardware. Software (content development for courseware) and people ware (training) in the ICT programmes are more urgent. The hardware focus alone is inadequate to create the environment for e-education which can enhance teaching and learning and accommodate life-long learning. The software and people ware aspects that are necessary for e-education have to be considered and expanded. ââ€" ª There is a lack of co-ordination among the various agencies, namely MOE, MIMOS and MDC, in their supporting activities for the ICT programmes. Redundancy and wastage of resources can be avoided if there is better co-ordination. ââ€" ª In many schools, computers are often locked up in a special room or a lab, impeding their use for teaching and learning. The class time-table often does not include time for working or playing with computers. The costly equipment forces teachers in charge of the room to be cautious in allowing access, and this adds to the difficulty in utilizing the computers. ââ€" ª Most teachers have not had sufficient training to maximize the use of computers to enhance teaching and learning, and often merely impose traditional methods of drilling and rote learning using computers. This is mainly due to the emphasis on ICT literacy in teacher training programmes. ââ€" ª Due to the lack of a standard approach in the utilization of computers, student contact hours with computers cannot be established. ââ€" ª Teachers take charge of ICT centers in schools on a voluntary basis. Most of them do not have any formal training in ICT. There is often no technician who can assist the teachers with maintenance. Public higher education institutions, especially the universities, have been expanding their ICT programmes, especially over the past five years. Computer labs at the faculty level and computer centers for the university have been initiated and are in progress. ICT’s capacity to contribute to greater efficiency of work and resource management has not been fully exploited. E-mail facilities are not being maximized, and downloading lecture notes from the web or interacting with lecturers via e-mail or the web is still uncommon. The Internet is not being adequately accessed for lecture content. Another issue requiring attention is the need to develop quality private education. Private education in Malaysia is a relatively developed sector, particularly at the higher education level. As regards technical education, the system at the upper secondary level needs to address a number of issues: ââ€" ª Greater efforts should be made to improve hands-on skills among technical school students. The Technical Education Department has already introduced the contextual learning delivery system, which essentially recognizes that learning is a complex and multi-faceted process. Such learning goes far beyond theory, drill-oriented, stimulus and response teaching methodologies. It was introduced in Secondary Technical Schools in 1998 to help all students master higher-level academic and work skills. Instruction based on this strategy is being structured to help students apply their knowledge more effectively. ââ€" ª Greater efforts are required to improve the links between schools and industry. Currently the School Advisory Committees, established in all schools, comprise representatives from industries, higher education, Parent-Teacher Associations and Head Teachers who advise schools on curriculum and equipment. The Career Guidance, Industrial Liaison and Placement Unit in every school also provide career guidance and placement of students in industries. These should be further improved. B. Skills Training and Retraining Malaysia currently has several drawbacks with regards to the education and skills profile required for a K-based economy. It lacks an adequate pool of knowledge workers, sufficiently high enrolment in the sciences at tertiary levels, and a broad base of workers with minimum literacy, learning ability and skills. Educational reform takes time while the recruitment of foreign talent is merely a temporary measure. An effective response would be to train managers and workers to cope with the new demands of the K-based economy. Private and public sector managers need to be trained to reengineer their organizations into ‘learning organizations’ which can attract, retain and develop K-workers to make their organizations more competitive, service-oriented and efficient. To increase the quality and relevance of skills, greater autonomy and flexibility should be given to public sector training institutions to make them more responsive to the rapidly changing labor market requirements of a K-based economy. To minimize job dislocation resulting from the transition to the K-based economy, ‘bridging’ courses need to be organized for displaced workers, especially those who are old, uneducated, and un-trainable. The power of the Internet should also be harnessed to establish ‘net communities’ for citizens with special needs and interests to interact among them and with the government. For the economy as a whole, there is also a need for an efficient and speedy labor market information system to help ensure effective planning to meet the manpower demands of the K-based economy. This may require the establishment of a specialist study group, improved career counseling, and a directory of training institutions. In addition to providing basic education for all, in a K-based economy it is essential to stress Lifelong Learning and Education to help citizens cope with expanding knowledge and rapid change. The challenges of Lifelong Learning and Education in the context of the K-based economy include the following: 1. Producing a highly skilled, knowledge-rich workforce. 2. Reducing unemployment and re-skilling the workforce. 3. Addressing and adjusting to the needs of an aging society. C. Global Talent A world shortage of high level manpower is likely to increase the brain drain from Malaysia. While the high growth East Asian economies compete for Malaysian talent, particularly in ICT the more serious long-term competitors are the advanced K-based economies of the US and Europe which suffer serious shortages of ICT personnel. It is estimated that Europe and the US alone need two million more ICT workers by 2002. Recent changes to immigration laws enacted to attract foreign talent to the US have serious implications for Asia and for Malaysia’s efforts to retain domestic talent and attract foreign, particularly ICT talent. A Bill passed by US Congress in late 2000 allows US firms to recruit 600,000 foreigners, a third of them from India. The three-year programme takes effect from 2001. The US recruitment drive occurs in the context of a world-wide shortage of ICT talent, with Asian countries too unable to meet their domestic demand. Despite this the best and brightest Asians ( including Malaysians), are likely to be lured by better wages, work conditions, occupational mobility and the quality of life in the US and Europe. This ‘brain drain’ has already begun, with European and US recruiters scouring Asian universities for talent. This situation signals several dangers for Malaysia. Firstly, like the Asian countries, Malaysia too is likely to lose young graduates from local and foreign universities to firms in the US and Europe. Secondly, experienced Malaysians may also be recruited, with the Malaysian labor market serving as a ‘training ground’ for developed K-based economies. Thirdly, since the Asian shortage and US demand will deplete the international talent pool, Malaysia’s option of utilizing foreign talent will be limited. Foreigners who are recruited to work in Malaysia are also likely to treat Malaysia as a ‘training ground’ for eventual entry and settlement in the US and Europe. There are several ways Malaysia can cope with this situation: ââ€" ª One current advantage Malaysia has is that except for Singapore, other countries in the region including Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, and China, all of which also have ambitious ICT plans, have not moved fast enough to recruit foreign talent. Moving quickly to simplify immigration rules and ease recruitment of foreign talent will give Malaysia a competitive edge in recruitment. ââ€" ª Secondly, of all countries in the region, Malaysia probably has the most balanced set of attractions in terms of wages, low costs, quality of life, stability and safety. This advantage should be exploited to the fullest. ââ€" ª Thirdly, Malaysia’s rich and tolerant multi-ethnic heritage makes it attractive to a wide spectrum of expatriates, whether Caucasians, Middle-Easterners, East Asians or South Asians. Unlike its competitors in the region, Malaysia can therefore alleviate the problem of the world-wide shortage by recr uiting from a wide variety of countries and labor markets. The government itself has made several clear efforts to recruit foreign talent. In 1995-98 the Returning Scientists Programme managed by the Ministry of Science attracted 93 overseas-based foreign and Malaysian scientists on short-term contracts to local institutions. But their high wages posed a financial strain and contributed to wage inequities vis-a-vis local scientists. Recognizing the need for talent, the Returning Scientists Programme was revived in early 2001, and the recent national Budget provided incentives to encourage Malaysian experts abroad ‘who have the required expertise’ to return and serve the nation. Income remitted within two years from the date of arrival will be exempted from income tax. Two cars registered in the country of origin for at least six months will also be exempted from import duty and sales tax, while the husbands/wives and children of Malaysian citizens will now be given PR status within six months of the date of arrival. Previously, husbands who were non-citizens were not entitled to PR status, while non-citizen wives could only apply for PR after five years residence in Malaysia. The programme took effect from 1 January 2001. Under this programme, six fields of expertise and skills have been identified, i.e. IT, Science and Technology, Industry, Finance and Accounting, Arts, and Medicine and Health.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Lockheed Martin Exercise Essay Example for Free
Lockheed Martin Exercise Essay Question 1: The Lockheed Martin website gives the impression that this company strives to make ethics a top priority among its employees. Lockheed has successfully integrated marketing ethics throughout its corporate culture by instituting mandatory ethics training sessions. The company requires that employees make every effort to attend in-person training; however Lockheed makes online training available to those who are unable to attend to live training. This ensures that each and every employee has the opportunity to attend the ethics training session. In addition to having training sessions and requiring employees to acknowledge their completion of the course, Lockheed also has a clearly defined code of conduct, and the company expressly states its vision and values. The message of â€Å"doing what’s right,†respecting others, and doing the very best job possible are often repeated on the corporate website. The website also lists numerous additional links and resources for employees’ use. Question 2: The current ethical minute series does seem like it would be effective in establishing an ethical culture because the videos present realistic scenarios. First, the videos describe the ethical issue along with potential consequences. Next, the characters experience a conflict in the workplace, and they must decide whether they should follow the company’s procedure and possibly face negative consequences, or simply let the incident go unreported. The video shows the characters as they go through a thought process that is very similar to the way a real Lockheed employee might react. Overall, the video series appears to be effective because it presents ethical issues to employees in a way that is informative, entertaining, and the many employees will likely understand and relate to the message that is being delivered. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Question 1: R. J Reynolds must make many considerations when formulating a marketing strategy. The company’s website indicates that the information that has been released on health risks related to tobacco use is a large concern. The website seems to reflect that the company feels obligated to state that individuals who have ceased using tobacco and those who have never started should avoid tobacco products. There is also a statement that minors should not use tobacco under any circumstances (including exposure to secondhand smoke) and that tobacco is harmful and no tobacco product has been deemed safe. The company also states that individuals should rely on statements by the Surgeon General and the CDC when making decisions about tobacco use. These statements reflect pressure from governmental agencies and outside groups to inform the public about the serious health risks that are associated with tobacco. The company also mentions that tobacco use should be allowed in adult venues. This indicates that the company feels that recent trends in smoking regulation are unfair and far too strict and are counterproductive to the business interests of tobacco companies. Question 2: R. J. Reynolds Company has used the negative impact that increased health concerns have had on the company to portray itself as a morally and socially responsible. Not only does the website convey information about health risks, but the company also uses changes in smoking regulation laws as a basis to encourage political activism, as stated on the Smoker’s Rights page. The media page also shows that the company has made large donations to community causes. These actions serve to portray the tobacco company as socially responsible and positive, though the company sells a product that has a negative impact on health and has consequently come under fire as a result.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Four Determinants Of Health Health And Social Care Essay
The Four Determinants Of Health Health And Social Care Essay The environment of society is linked to peoples health over wide fields. Among many factors on health, socio-economic factors are a measurable and significant factor such as employment, education, income and housing. As a future health professional, it is necessary to understand the society and these sociological impacts on health in more multifaceted ways. Hence, this essay will define and discuss the four of socio-economical determinants of health and the relationships between them. Furthermore, it will explain how two determinants affect New Zealand society. Lastly, it will reflect how this study will affect the future nursing care that I will accomplish. The good health and wellbeing of the population is largely a product of the settings in which people live, work and play (Public Health Advisory Committee [PHAC], 2007, p.3). In other word, these social circumstances on health surrounding people might be the socioeconomic determinants. The four determinants of health First of all, this essay will scrutinize the four of socioeconomic determinants and their correlation. Firstly, PHAC (2004) reported that through employment people are able to maintain their life to be stable mentally and physically (p.25). Being employed is the social involvement which produces self esteem and prevents confinement from society. And it is a way of creating income. Reversely, unemployment may be associated with detrimental impacts on mental health such as increasing the rate of suicide (p.26) and decreasing income. Secondly, this report also pointed out that education level is related to health status. People who educated in high are healthier than in low (p.30). Above all, educating children is the most effective way of changing overall health status in society. The reason why is that education enables children to acquire useful health information which affects their future lifestyle such as smoking, food and alcohol in a beneficial way (Wadsworth, 1997, as cited in National Health Committee [NHC], 1998, p.28). Income is far-reaching, which is related to humans basic necessities such as food and shelter. PHAC (2004) highlighted that insufficient income hinders a healthy life. Lower income family is not capable of affording good housing, nutrient food and education. Particularly, Maori and Pacific families are more likely to affect by low income due to the high proportion of young generation (p.21). Besides, children are vulnerable under low income circumstance (p.24). Finally, housing is one of the essential constitutes of human life: food, clothes and shelter. As the cost of house is increasing, capability for other needs is decreasing (p. 31). Besides, internal environment of the house like overcrowding and high humidity influences on health directly (p.32). This affects low income families and the unemployed more hardly (p.33). All in all, In the case of low socioeconomic groups, it is more detrimental than high (PHAC, 2004). The four determinants are inextricably interwoven while having the possibility to enhance by society (p.6). Education and Maori Despite the fact that New Zealand is an egalitarian society and a developed welfare country, there is health problems needed to be improved. First concern is indigenous peoples health regarding lower level of education. Specifically, it is about the correlation between health literacy skill and education. Lower level of education may lead to poor health literacy skill. According to Ministry of Health (MOH, 2010a), 80 per cent of Maori men and 75 per cent of Maori women are very low level in health literacy skill. Moreover, lowest groups were 50-65, 16-18 and 19-24 year groups of Maori (p.iii). A reason why education is important to enhance Maori health is that 53 per cent of Maori population is under 25 years old in 2006. Nonetheless, the percentage of Maori students who are finished at secondary school with qualification is 43.4 per cent. However, in the case of non- Maori, it is 63.7 per cent (MOH, 2010b, p.17). What is surprising is that young Maori population is linked to both a poorest health literacy group and low secondary education. A positive correlation was found between health literacy skill and education is that people who are educated in tertiary level showed enhanced health literacy skill than others have not (MOH, 2010a). Education is a strong health determinant because it widens health information and improves self caring capability autonomously by individuals. That can be a strong prevention from disease to the future generation. Housing and Maori Another concern of indigenous people is poor housing condition. If a house is in high humid, chill and overcrowded, it is detrimental. Firstly, high humidity and cold temperature are causing respiratory disease (World Health Organisation, as cited in Asthma Foundation, n.d.). According to Heeringa (2011), One in six adults and one in four children suffer from asthma in New Zealandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Air that is cold, or polluted with dust mites, moulds or fumes trigger asthmaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the second highest in the world just behind the UK (para.24). Among many asthma suffering people aged 5 to 34, hospitalized Maori between 2006 and 2008 were as double as non-Maori (MOH, as cited in Maori health, 2010). Secondly, overcrowding is a problematic factor in New Zealand. PHAC (2004) highlighted that living in an overcrowding house increased the rate of childrens death due to the contagion of fatal disease (p.32). Particularly, according to MOH (2010b), overcrowding rate of Maori family in 200 6 were three times higher than non-Maori. Meningococcal disease rate of 0 to 4 aged Maori groups were also as high as the rate of overcrowding (Environmental Science and Research, n.d., as cited in Maori health, 2010). Most of all, these statistics represent that Maori is the greater part of lowest socio-economic status in New Zealand, who cannot afford to comfortable houses(NHC,1998). All in all, while Maori population grows fast (MOH, 2010b), Maori is one of the groups that is influenced severely by poor housing environment. What I have learnt A study about strong correlation between society and health will assist my future nursing practice in terms of nurses perception. When I was realizing many factors, they seemed to be general sociological phenomenon. However, they influenced peoples health, even causing illness. Nurses knowledge should be wider than I thought before. From caring for patients physical wound to concerning the socioeconomic environment of the patients might be the nurses understanding. Levien (2008) stated that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a nurse to be a resource to communities and individuals affected by this disease and enable a greater level of awareness and understanding of the risk factors and how to reduce them (para. 17). This is my understanding. For example, I will communicate with a patient in easy words depending on his/her education level, instead of medical terminology. Whats more, I can give patients some information about preventing communicable disease from babies and children at home and immunization . Therefore, I will contemplate circumstances surrounding patients as a nurse in the future. In conclusion, health determinants are significant factors within the health system as well as the whole society. Unemployment, low level of education, insufficient income and poor housing are related to poor health condition in New Zealand. These determinants are more likely to affect some group like Maori. Maori health is likely to be affected by low education level and poor housing detrimentally. Therefore, all individuals health is a complex byproduct of society. If every individual is healthy, their society can be healthy and prosperous.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Western Lawman :: Television Media TV Essays
The Western Lawman Gunsmoke was a dramatized radio program that portrayed life in the old west. According to online sources, "Plots dealt with the lives and activities of Marshall Dillon, Doc, Miss Kitty, Chester, and the other residents of Dodge City, Kansas in the late 19th century." Lawman Marshall Dillon was the center of everything that happened. The peace and welfare of Dodge City rested in his hands. Marshall Dillon represents the quintessential western lawman, with his independence, authoritativeness, and general distrust of strangers. Dillon stood alone. No one could dictate to him how to act or what to do. This is illustrated in several instances. In the episode "The Army Trial" the army officer assigned to bring in Jed Cook, the deserting soldier asks for Dillon's cooperation after Cook escapes. Dillon agrees to cooperate but on his terms. He demands that the officer remove his troops from town and allow him to conduct the search personally. In the second episode, "General Parsley Smith", Dillon insists on handling all investigation himself. He takes tips from Parsley, but instructs him to stay out of the situation while he checks things out. In "Uncle Oliver", he makes it plain that there is no job opening for a Marshall's assistant. Oliver suggests that Biney learn how to be a Marshall by shadowing Dillon, but Dillon won't have it. He states that he does not need any help from anyone except Chester. Chester is the only person he consistently allows to help him. Otherwise, he is a one man outfit. Marshall Matt Dillon is also characterized by his authoritativeness. He will not be challenged and he will not back down. When General Parsley stirs up trouble in town, Dillon warns that he will run Parsley out of town if he does not stop slandering the new banker. When Parsley is caught once again repeating the same offense, true to his word, Dillon orders him to leave town. While being arrested for desertion, Cook cannot fire on Dillon because of the respect he commands. And Uncle Oliver is compelled to search for Biney even though he is plotting to kill Chester. As you listen to these episodes, you realize that Dillon is also very suspicious of strangers. He is constantly questioning whether or not they are legitimate. In the first episode ("The Army Trial") as he and Chester approach the wagon in distress, they are ready to help but their help is repeatedly refused which arouses suspicion.
Arousal Essay -- essays research papers
Discussion: Arousal is an integral element that is needed when preparing ones-self for sporting competition ( or practice for that matter). According to Weinberg and Gould, the athlete must become aware of his or her psychologigal states before they can control any thoughts or feelings they may have. This means when preparing for competition it is important to create an arousal state that is indicative of the competition you are competeing in and be aware of that state in order to set yourself up psychologically to compete. The athlete must energize him/herself when feelin flat and be aware of what he or she is doing in order to enhance his/her sport performance. With that said, if arousal levels are too high then sport performance can be hindered due to the athletes attention be focused on more than just the competition.      Anxiety is a pshychological state that, if uncontrolled, can hinder a performance greatly. Individuals must be able to cope with this anxiety in a positive mannner so that it doesn’t consume them and cause catastrophic results. Anxiety as a form of arousal is beneficial if kept in check because it make the athlete aware of what is about to transpire.      When dealing with arousal it is important to understand the theories behind it. The Drive Theory states that â€Å"as an individuals arousal or state anxiety inreases ,so too does his or her performance†. The Inverted - U Hypothesis states if arousal is too...
Friday, July 19, 2019
handmaids tale Essay -- essays research papers
The central social hierarchy within the novel is the gender hierarchy, placing men in a position of extreme power. This is evident in every aspect of the book, as the entire Gilead society is male dominated. The Commander is at the top of the hierarchy and is involved with designing and establishing the current society taking control of a nation of women, and exploiting their power by controlling what is taught, what they can teach themselves and the words that they can use. Soon all of the women will become brainwashed, simply because it is made nearly impossible to defy the rules The Eye is the next highest up and are used as spies to keep the society the way it is and make sure no one consorts against it. Angel’s are next because they are men so they are higher then all women. Their job is to make sure they are all safe and basically the police force. Men are the only ones who may drive cars, own property, have bank accounts, work, or even read from the Bible or any other text. The next highest up is the commander’s wife. She has writes and privileges about all other women. Aunt’s are responsible for getting the handmaids ready for their society. They pound the ideas of the new culture into the handmaid’s head so that when they enter it seems normal. Handmaids are the next class, they are the only women who can reproduce they are forced to have children for upper class couples women are often compromised by a forced sexual nature, thereby allowing them to be blamed for problems of conception. Handmaids show which Commander owns them by adopting their Commanders’ names, such as Fred, and preceding them with â€Å"Of.†I.e. Offred is one of these unfortunate servants who are only right to exist depends on her ovaries productivity. She lives with her commander and his wife in a highly supervised centre. All female characters in the text are only mentioned in relationship to a male owner of some sort. We find out about how women are treated as walking wombs when the ‘Red Centre’ also known as the Rachel and Leah Centre. As the basis of the novel it is replicated many times throughout the book, it is found in the family reading before the monthly ceremonies, and in Rachel’s plea give me children, or e lse I die. This really puts emphasis on the threat to the Handmaids life. By failing to produce a child, they will be classed as Unwomen and sent to the Colonies to... ...they train the handmaids. You could tell them what you believed and hope for change. The commanders wife has privileges but a rough deal too because the commander still thinks of her as a woman and not an equal. As the wife I would try to put in his head that not al sex has to be for procreation. As a handmaid or lower options are almost none. You have to make friends and trusted allies to make a difference. There is strength in numbers, but it would be imperative that it remain secretive. But in the end I think its hopeless for them in the society they are in. I think The Handmaids Tale is a direct warning to modern society, Atwood underlines that all the points in her novel have occurred in the world previously, and if a half truth establishes itself, it could take place again.      It would be hard to know who to trust because of the eye. But I think that their society would not let any women be in a position of power over a man so women can be more trusted. The angels would not be able to be trusted because the young guys are to stead fast on their principals and can do irrational things. Your best bet would be to make friends with all the commanders.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview Essay
Due to the demands of an evolving health care system and an emphasis in health and wellness, Master’s prepared nurses are in demand. What does a Master’s prepared nurse entails? According to the American Association College of Nursing, Master’s prepared nurses obtain a higher level of learning as well as key competencies and skills. The ultimate goal is to achieve positive patient outcomes resulting in an overall improved health care system. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on a Master’s prepared nurse conducted through an interview. My interviewee has obtained an MSN in Informatics and is currently employed in the Informatics field as a Nurse Informaticist. Overview of Career My interviewee started her career path with an Associate’s degree in Nursing. As a new graduate in nursing, her first job in nursing was in an acute care setting on a telemetry unit. After two years as a staff nurse in telemetry she was promoted to charge nurse and remained in this position for three years. She then decided to further her education in nursing but still needed to work full time. To her gain, her employer had recently partnered up with a university offering online and traditional courses. Eventually, the online fast track RN-BSN was her option of choice. It took her 18 months to obtain her BSN from the University of Phoenix. After completing her BSN, awaiting her was a promotion for a supervisor position on the telemetry unit. She accepted the position and remained in this positon for seven years. During that time, she also served in the role of interim manager and was instrumental in planning and implementing the electronic health record. The electronic health record became her passion. She was one of the lead trainers and eventually accepted a role as a full time trainer within the hospital. The position as a full time trainer in the hospital morphed into a position at the hospital’s corporate level. She took on a new title as an analyst within the clinical informatics department. Her passion grew more as the years went by. The next step that followed was an advanced nursing degree. Graduate Education My interviewee obtained her Master’s in Informatics at the University of Phoenix in 2013. Transitioning into the Master’s program was seamless since this school was where she obtained her BSN. The online route was most efficient and that is the route she pursued. The University of Phoenix Master of Science in nursing degree program is accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (University of Phoenix, 2014). The goal of this program is to equip nurses to function in leadership roles in a variety of settings. Additionally, nursing theories and evidence-based practices are fundamental guidelines in this program that will help shape the future of nursing thus impacting the health care system (University of Phoenix, 2014). More specifically, the informatics program afford students to gain knowledge in data management and information technology in regard to the health care setting (University of Phoenix, 2014). According to my interviewee, the Master’ s graduate program as compared to the undergraduate program was more challenging but yet rewarding. This was attributed to the fact that she had a strong passion for informatics and wanted to obtain a higher level of education. Present Position As a Nurse Informaticist, the interviewee felt that she has been able to bridge the gap between Information Services and Nursing. One of the primary responsibilities of an Informatics nurse is ensuring the electronic health record is easy to use and provides relevant information. Workflow analysis, assessment of current and future technological needs are additional responsibilities. Pearls of Wisdom When pursuing advancing one’s educational level, time spent researching and interviewing can prove beneficial. Furthermore, one has to be prepared mentally, physically, and often times financially. Planning and organizing will minimize, if not eliminate barriers. I was impressed with the interviewee’s drive toward ongoing learning. Determination speaks for a nurse beginning at the ADN level, advancing to a BSN and ultimately obtaining a MSN. Conclusion Health care as we know is transforming and the health care workforce has been taxed with equipping themselves thus aligning with the transformation. Information technology is ever increasing and is impacting the way health care is delivered (Cipriano and Murphy, 2011). Pursuing a master’s degree in nursing is a step in the right direction. One key competency that was identified in this interview and consistent with AACN is lifelong learning. My personal gain from this interview is using determination and passion to help guide one’s career path. References American Association College of Nursing. (n.d.). Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing. Retrieved from American Association of Colleges of Nursing:, P.F., & Murphy, J. (2011). Nursing Informatics, The Future of Nursing and Health IT: The Quality Elixir. Nursing Economics, 29(5), 286-282 University of Phoenix. (2014). Master’s Science Nursing Informatics. Retrieved from University of Phoenix:
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Written Abstract on Sea Turtles
The article, entitled Relationship of Blood mercury Levels to Health Parameters in the Loggerhead sea Turtle by Day et al. , (2007) aimed at investigating the threat of mercury as one of the pervasive environmental pollutants in loggerhead sea tump overs (Caretta caretta). The rationale tramp this study is that there was a drive for a study that foc handlings on the charge of mercury in sea turtles and its poisonous effects since immunosuppression is evident in pathologic populations.Total Hg analysis, clinical alchemy and complete family counts, lymph cell proliferation ex vivo THg exposure, incubation, lymphocyte proliferation in vitro MeHg exposure, lysozyme activity, corticosterone and testosterone, statistical analysis, THg concentrations, the use of clinical ancestry parameters, and ex vivo lymphocyte were implemented to obtain results. Randomly selected free-ranging sub big(a) and adult turtles that served as the inquiry sample were examined from whitethorn 2001 to July 2003.To assess proliferative responses, lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to methylmercury. The authors install a optimistic correlation amid blood mercury concentrations and hematocrit and creatine phosphokinase activity, but they also found a oppose correlation between blood mercury concentrations and lymphocyte cell counts and aspartate aminotransferase. The positive correlation result implied that there is high affinity of mercury species for erythrocytes than plasma.It also showed that it is most-valuable to measure hematocrit when analyzing whole blood for mercury. On the other hand, in vitro immunosuppression occurred at methylmercury concentrations that correspond to approximately 5% of the research sample which were captured in the wild. In addition, the negative correlation result found ex vivo between mercury and lymphocyte numbers racket and mercury and B-cell proliferative responses. This implies that there is a theory that it is possible that mercury nega tively impacts on the immune function of sea turtle in the wild.
Interview with Manager
put back of content 1Introduction2 1. 1Objectives3 2 passenger car of selling and node dish in the confederacy Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. 3 2. 1I upsurge personate of carriage4 2. 2Key responsibilities of selling and Consumer Service passenger vehicle5 2. 3 classifiable figureing twenty- quatern hour period5 3 market and node Service musical arrangement structure6 4Key factors bear upon bully aggroup dally7 5 end7 6Bibliography8 Balon Sandra emailprotected ac. uk Assignment Brief Inter batch with a music director Introduction to wariness MM11020 Introduction match to the definition, coverr is a person amenable for absolute or administering an musical arrangement or group of staff. He controls the professional and business activities, supervises and monitors people who directly write up to him. (No data, Oxfords on-line dictionary). There are numerous a(prenominal) diametrical types of management jobs. Even for jobs with similar titles, the duties whitethorn c hange signifi flocktly from one social club to another. Depending on the size and soma of go with, as enquiry as typical deed activities whitethorn alter.Average tasks and responsibilities involve traffic with staffing issues such(prenominal) as interviewing effectiveness staff, as well up as providing or organising training and bring forthment. Manager is trusty for master key(prenominal)taining staff by recruiting, selecting, and training employees. Also, maintaining a safe, secure, and ratified work environment developing ad hominem increase opportunities, creating friendly atmosphere to makes the society comfortable for their police squad members. I interviewed Krzysztof Guzik, Manager of trade and client Service. The participation which I have choosen is beautify Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S.A.. In consistency with their official website it is first and one of the most trump-selling(predicate) SPA company in Poland. Iwonicz-Zdroj is the largest and oldest resor t in seedpodkarpacie region, which attract attention patients from completely over Europe. medicinal qualities of mineral water occurring there, retraced Wojciech Oczko in 1578. He was a court physician of Polish exponent Stefan Batory. After that people started to pay attention to the inviolate watering place atmosphere in Iwonicz- Zdroj. In the seventeenth century the resort hotel facility enjoyed great popularity in the country and beyond (2011, http//www. zdrowisko-iwonicz. com. pl/). Objectives The primary mission of the coalition Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. with passing playquarters in Iwonicz- Zdroj is a complex resort services, with treatment necessitateed on the basis of local knife homogeneous materials and medicinal qualities of the environment. Company is dealing with the output of the spa natural medicinal resources for customers, spas, and other treatment facilities in the country and abroad. Uzdrowisko Iwonicz is responsible for product unique bionomical cosmetics and medicines based on natural raw materials use in the spa treatment.Krzysztof Guzik maintain that beginning of potent goes back to the 1867s, when the method of obtaining iodine and bromine flavour were developed and implemented. Iodine and bromine salt from Iwonicz is a recognized and certified medicine in derelict as well as neurological and orthopedical diseases. It is used in the medicinal baths and wraps. Product Is in addition used for inhalation in the treatment of air- passages illness. The reciprocal ohm traditional medical preparation is a peloid cube, produced under(a) the supervision of the pharmaceutical industry.This is specially prepared and can be easy use to wraps at house which makes this product really worthy. Iwoniczanka is a name of fall guy for products made by Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A.. Mark combines over 430 years-experience of use spas natural medicinal materials from Iwonicz- Zdroj and the latest strikements of cosmetology. This makes Iwoniczanka and Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. really desirable brand as well as company. The partnership includes watering hole hospital excelsior, hell on earth Pod Jodla, sanatarium Stare Lazienki, Sanatorium Bialy Orzel, Sanatorium Ustronie, Spa Sanatorium Number IV, Spa TreatmentCentre, Stary Palac, Pump Room and also production of bionomical cosmetics. All products are available in cosmetics shops all over the Poland and also on their website via the on-line store. The main objective for the company to makes it more(prenominal) recognizable. Manager of merchandise and Customer Service in the partnership Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. In according to Krzysztof Guzik the company employs 246 people, whereas 10,2% constitute a tutorial positions. Mr Guzik is the passenger vehicle of trade and Customer Service in Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. since 2001.His previous experience include being the head of the Tourist Information Centre in a Regional Development Agency Karpaty S. A. Krosno. He have from the Academy of Physical Education in Krakow with a degree in tourism. As a head of department in Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. he manages a squad of 50 people. During his career, he went through numerous courses and trainings. anterior work experience as well as stream vacancy helped him to develop his professional skills and deal with complicated tasks and controlling the police squad the most efficaciously as is accomplishable.Asked nigh his biggest weakness described the perfectionism. Krzysztof explains that he is up to his ears in work. For all the time I am staying in work longer than it is necessary. earlier I get kayoed of work I have to check again what I managed to do that solar day, and plan the next includes the major(ip), most weighty tasks to do. To be square I do not like when I have just one job to do. I like to work on more fronts at once then I get dressed about the most efficient in my own work. I really like my job. Sometimes I am too inv olved in the life of the company and the implementation of the tasks of my business. This aspect excellently testify about his professionalism as well as work difference of opinion and commitment. What is more, he emphasis that nifty relationship with people- both(prenominal) with customers and business partners and communication skills represents his major strengths. Ideal perplex of manager It is not easy to describe elevated manager. As I mentioned previously depending on the size of company and position the duties may change significantly. What is possible to outline some distinguished characteristics of perfect manager. A good manager should have a good skills in communicating with people.Really worth in this kind of job is good relationships both with colleagues, partners and customers as well. He has to be very open tending(p) and approachable. He should persuade workers that they can count on him whenever they need. The great power to resolve conflicts and deal with difficult problems should be take up as an important aspect. What is worth, employees may find him assistive and supportive. Manager has to behave objective, be fair and honest around subordinates. What more, good manager should be comprehensively oriented in entire managed terra firma. Manager of Marketing need to have a good cognition of the customers.He should consider how to best create value, satisfaction and achieve loyalty for its. Important is to develop long-term relationships with potential customers. Marketing manager should be able to chouse how to satisfy its customers. Moreover, he should be open minded for unseasoned ideas. He is responsible for affairs such as promotion, advertising services and spa products. That is path he should distinguish as a creative, responsible and confidence. The next and one of the most important component of a marketing manager is to carry out marketing research and analysis.The marketing manager should do a thorough marketing rese arch and analysis. It talent help in order to possess a detailed understanding of their own business and the entire market. Key responsibilities of Marketing and Consumer Service Manager As a manager of Marketing and Consumer Service Krzysztof is principally responsible for marketing, advertising, promotion, designing ads for a variety of publications, directories, newspapers, etc. , cooperation with travel agencies, search and acquisition of commercial customers.The major task also includes to manage affairs in the following areas collaboration with partners preparing contracts and agreements for the provision and sale of the spa and supervision of their implementation as well as gross sales and settlement services. He is also apt for maintain cordial relationships with the stake holders and shareholders of the company and develop long- term relationship with potential customer. As manager he is expected to act as a role flummox for Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. values, to suppo rt the development of the infallible companys performance standards.He is responsible for the cheek and character of work of subordinate in his department. veracious communication skills he has plays crucial role in his job. As a head of division he has the ability to hire, promote and fire employees within his department. Also, rite of labour discipline and estimation of subordinate employees. ulterior responsibility involve cooperate with the Companys organizational units to conduct and develop sales of spa treatment. This is very large range of actions on which there has to be supervision. Managing and work organization of the 50-people team up is not an easy task.He mustiness be thinkes on all(prenominal) aspect regarding the team which require sincere work engagement and commitment. Manager is also responsible for the atmosphere in manage department as well as intact company, which gives a huge opportunities to achieve mean objectives. palmy atmosphere may spawn s taff deeds more efficiently. Krzysztof Guzik mentioned in interview that they employees identify themselves with the company. They complete what is the meaning of the term companys mission. Also, what is necessitate to achieve a goal. The atmosphere in the company is friendly which encourage to execute planned targets. Typical working(a) dayIt is really hard to describe just one working day. Every day is different from the other and there is al focusings set stuff to work out. For the most part Krzysztof Guzik is working from 7. 00 am to 3. 00 pm every day from Monday to Friday. due(p) to his managers position- time which he has to sacrificed for work is much longer. Sometimes he has to work during weekends. unremarkably his tasks includes a lot of correspondence to answer, receive a number of telephone call from customers, partners and implementation of the tasks set for the day. He explains that most of the tasks is trying to set the day before to help employees to deal wit h them.Unfortunately sometimes it is impossible, we cannot planned everything and more urgent matters to do comes out during the day. Krzysztof degenerate a lot of time for the analysis, planning, assessment of the current situation. He has to be in constancy skin senses with the other directors of the company to find the best way to exploit the potential of the company. Also, to question the business dodging to achieve the goal. Despite the fact that he is in use(p) manager he always find a time to meet with staff for example to discuss the project, to separate duties if it is necessary, solve problems, etc.He is also responsible for meetings with customers, partners, guests of the spa. resembling he said Every day brings new challenges and tasks with whom I have to deal with. Marketing and Customer Service organization structure The whole Marketing and Customer Service department carries a focus over many different functions. Therefore, the structure of an company must be go od considered and arranged mighty on each organisations direct. The Marketing and Customer manager is the head of the department and supervises vii departments as is shown on the graph number 1.The Marketing and Customer Service manager is accountable to the four higher level of companys organization structure such as Annual everyday Meeting, Supervisory senesce, way and Chairman of the circuit card. Companys organizational chart division of renovation and investment Materials Management and organisation subdivision Chief Accountant accountancy Department Budgeting and Financial Analysis Department fountainhead of pay Technical Magazine Department of resistance of sources and sales Main specialist for the sources protection and production Marketing DepartmentInstitution of the SPA production SPA Institution theatre director of Sales and Marketing Customer Service routine Administrative Department of SPA film director of the mystic Team ZOZ Rehabilation Clinic Welln ess Department base of indispensable Medicine Pump Room Sanatorium medical exam Department Spa hospital Excelsior Department for Infections Quality Control Department unfathomed military position Plenipotentiary for Classified Information Department of valet de chambre resources, organization and management Chief Specialist for the Management of health and SafetyIT Department Chairman of the Board Annual oecumenic Meeting Supervisory Board * Management Plenipotentiary for quality management Department of renovation and investment Materials Management and Administration Department Chief Accountant Accounting Department Budgeting and Financial Analysis Department Head of Finance Technical Magazine Department of protection of sources and sales Main specialist for the sources protection and production Marketing Department Institution of the SPA production SPA Institution Director of Sales and MarketingCustomer Service Office Administrative Department of SPA Director of the Priva te Team ZOZ Rehabilation Clinic Wellness Department Institute of Natural Medicine Pump Room Sanatorium Medical Department Spa hospital Excelsior Department for Infections Quality Control Department Secret Office Plenipotentiary for Classified Information Department of human resources, organization and management Chief Specialist for the Management of Health and Safety IT Department Chairman of the Board Annual General Meeting Supervisory Board * ManagementPlenipotentiary for quality management * * Key factors affecting good team work A team full treatment well when the members understand what they will be even off for their efforts. A team is driven by a common goal. There begins the role of the manager, which is very important, precious and should be appreciated. There is a lot of different approaches concerns ideas of being good manager. One of the ways is to trim a good impact on a team and to increase their effectiveness. Manager should hold standard meetings to keep a team updated on important information and to offer training.The development of an effective team requires a positive managers locating due to persuasion that every team postulate coordinator. Thanks to good management, the team members elicit the possibility to gain new skills which may be assistive in the future. Due to his encouragement he may allow people to self-development and gives them opportunities for being promoted to higher positions. Conclusion Currently, partnership such as Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. is becoming more recognizable company and brand on Polish domestic market place as well as on European. Managing and work organization of this team members is not an easy task.Manager has to be in die hard contact with the other directors of the company to find the best way to exploit the full potential of the firm. Manager have to be focuses on every realm regarding the team, the work they do, the process of manufacturing, approval process of many tasks and a lot of differen t aspects. His point of view plays crucial role in companys fashioning decisions process. There is wide range of actions on which he supervises. Dealing with the documents within the department, regarding the team and the work they do is very complicated and require personal skills which may help to coordinate the team work.Good manager must keep up to date every issues within the company and has to find the best act to solve struggled problems. Basically, manager does not have to be an expert in every kind of realm. furbish up criterion which is required to being a master within his position. There is plenty of approaches which describe model of ideal manager. The most significant characteristic mainly involve efficient decision making, creativeness, responsibility, self- confidence as well as good communication skills.Conclusively, the manager is an important and valuable person occupying higher level of companys position. He is responsible for making decisions Bibliography Oxf ord University Press. (no data). Oxforddictionary. on-lineAvailable at http//oxforddictionaries. com/definition/english/manager. end accessed 17th January 2013. Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A. (2011). Uzdrowisko Iwonicz S. A.. on-line Available at http//www. uzdrowisko-iwonicz. com. pl/. Last accessed 17th January 2013.
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